Chapter 70

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"What did you find out? Was I right?" His face was damp with sweat that gathered during his run home. "Of course I was right! Tell her Garrett! Tell her!"

"Adrian, would you please relax?" Garrett sighed and looked at me.

"Is it true?" My voice broke as I stared at him impatiently.

"Jennifer, I'm sorry. I compared the samples found on the cigarette to some of his hair follicles and the match came back positive."

Adrian laughed and walked towards me. "Now do you see huh? I told you there was something off about him! I'm gonna fucking kill him."

"No Adrian."

"No?" He raised his voice and his eyes were laced with disbelief. "Jennifer, are you insane? This fucker came into our house, pretended to be on our side of this when all along he was the one who caused everything. You saw the bullshit side of him when he chased Ian away from you and you kicked him out. Then after I told you about my suspicions you let him right back into our home again because he fed you some crap about saving Ian. For all we know that witch could be on his side. Fuck it his entire clan is probably on his side. I'm sure they're the fucking creatures. And you wanna do what? Save him? Protect him? We need to kill him! All of them!"

"Now wait a minute," Garrett stepped forward to Adrian. "Stacy is not one of those creatures ok and she is definitely not evil."

"I'm sorry Garrett but I don't trust any of them and you shouldn't either."

"Listen to me." I took a deep breath and faced them both. "We are gonna play this very smoothly ok. If Nick is in fact the killer and his clan is on his side then they have to be very powerful. We can't just jump out and try to kill them. Same rules apply alright...Adrian and two others are the only ones who can defeat them so our primary mission is to tract down those other two people and deal with this."

"But how are we gonna find two people when we don't even know what they look like or what their names are? Not to mention we have to keep the killer and his clan out of the search...they could try to eliminate our chosen ones starting with Adrian." Garrett made a good point.

"Actually I found another one; a chosen one."

"You did? Where? Who?" I asked.

"She's um...the mother of my child." He rolled his eyes and exhaled.

"The mo−what? What? What mother? What child? Who? How? What?" Garrett stuttered.

"We will talk about it later Gar." Adrian patted his shoulder and smiled.

"Anyway in the meantime guys just, ensure that your minds are blocked especially you Adrian. Let's keep this information between us for now alright. Nick is gonna be here soon...try to remember he lives here again and the rest of his clan should be back by tonight. Be careful and be aware." I hugged them both and left for my room but I stopped outside his door instead.

I didn't want Adrian to be right. Not this time. How could it be Nick? It couldn't be. I was sure that there was some sort of explanation as to why he went into that abandoned warehouse.

There was a dead woman inside after he left. He killed her. She was drained of blood.

I took another breath and tried to ignore my subconscious.

Nick was there when you and Adrian found Elijah's dead body that morning on the street. He was also there that night at the club when that woman died. All of the signs are there Jennifer. Don't ignore them because you love him.

My shaking hands turned the knob on the door and I walked into the room that was once Nick's again. It was much neater than it used to be before he left but not to my level. If Nick was hiding something his room was the best place to start looking. I locked the door behind me and headed for his coat that was thrown across the bed. The two top pockets were empty and the bottom consisted of a cigarette, a lighter, some gum and money.

I flung the useless thing back and dug into the pockets of his jeans. Again in the front pockets were two cigarettes, another lighter, more gum, more money, a receipt for a pack of cigarettes and a pocket knife.

Deciding that his clothes were a waste of time I begun to search his closet and drawers. The journal with his love confessions was stacked away to the back of his closet and memories of his words gave me chills; not only because they were loving words...but now they could be loving words of a serial killer. I discarded the thoughts from my head and pulled out a box from the very back of the closet. Upon opening it I realized that it was pictures of Nick as a young boy with his mother. She was beautiful and he looked just like her.

I sat on the floor of the closet and smiled as I flipped through them all. They looked so happy together. How could this cheerful, innocent young boy be the one responsible for killing so many people? Just as I was about to put them back I noticed that there was a small envelope at the bottom of the box. Maybe it was more childhood memories. I quickly peeled it open and pulled out its contents. The first thing inside was a white notepad with scribbles which were a bit hard to understand at first but as I looked carefully I could read what it said.

April 15th.Park Street block 124. 7:25am.

"A date, location and time?" I whispered to myself and tried to decipher what it meant. "April 15th 7:25am...Park...124...oh my God! This was where Adrian and I found Elijah."

That morning around 8:30am Adrian and I had found the body of the dead alpha.

"Found him here about an hour ago." Nick had said to us. An hour ago...which would put Nick there at around 7:30...or 7:25 just like the notepad said.

I ignored the pain in my head and looked at the other scribbles.

April 30th. Rixton Night club. 10:30pm.

I closed my eyes and remembered the night I met him there...the same night that woman died.

"He plans them out."

May 28th. Lussuria Night club. 12:00am.

"The night Kylie Myers was killed."

There were a few other dates on the list that I didn't recall any murders for but the most recent ones bothered me.

November 11th. Abandoned warehouse. Richins Avenue. 11am.

That was today.

I wiped my face and dropped the notepad with a pounding in my head. There was no way I could ignore the signs anymore. Nick was the killer. As if there weren't enough confirmation already, a picture of Nick caught my attention. I picked it up reluctantly but it wasn't just a picture. It was an identification card that looked current and its expiry date in the next five years confirmed that it was.

"Oh God." I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them back as if doing so would change what I saw. Nick Octavius was not Nick Octavius. In fact I wasn't sure anymore if that person existed. The man in my house was Demarco Raminoi.

That was it. I didn't want to see anymore but I didn't have much of a choice anyway. The sound of keys in the door startled me and I hurriedly pushed everything back to where they were and closed the closet door.

"Angel," He spoke as he walked into the room and saw me. "What are you doing in here?"

"I um...I was looking for you." I said carefully while he stared at me without blinking.

"Oh really? His voice was heavy and he turned around and locked the door. "Well here I am." He began to walk towards me.

"You know what never's ok. I'll see you later." I tried to smile and walk past him but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to face him.

"Tell me why you were in here." His face was serious, his eyes were darker than usual, his jaw was tense and for the first time ever I was afraid of him. 

Change of Heart 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن