Chapter 2

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When we arrived at the house in less than fifteen minutes almost everyone was still asleep. Jessie and Garrett were passed out in the living room with almost fifty empty cans of beer thrown all over the floor. Avalon was swearing quietly to herself as she tried to clean their mess up.

"Hey snow." Adrian acknowledged her with a smile. "What're you up to?"

"I hate messes. These two idiots here refuse to wake up and do it their selves!"

"That's because you're waking them up wrong." He had an evil grin on his face as he walked closer to them.

"What are you doing?" Avalon asked worried because... well it was Adrian.

"Watch and learn sweetheart." He smiled and ripped the top off of a lamp shoving the sparking end down Jessie's pants. He did the same to Garrett using another lamp. In less than a second they were both up screaming in pain with their pants down.

"What the hell man?" Jessie yelled.

"Dude what's your problem?" Garrett shouted.

"Next time you guys wanna get drunk and pass out like morons make sure and clean your mess up first." Adrian said.

"That wasn't cool Adrian." Jessie said still rubbing his butt.

"Shut the hell up and help snow clean this mess. As a matter of fact, do it by yourselves!"

"What mess? This place is clean." Garrett said.

"Oh really?" Adrian asked, walked over to Avalon, took the trash bag from her and scattered the mess all over the room. "Well I don't know about you but um.... I see a mess. Start cleaning." He smiled handing Jessie a broom and giving Garrett an empty trash bag.

"Let's kill him." Jessie said.

"Name the time, place and weapon." Garrett said.

"Right here, right now with my bare fricking hands!" Jessie yelled.

"I heard that!" Adrian laughed as he walked down the hall. He walked into his room shutting the door quietly behind him then tip toeing across the room taking his jacket off.

"You know I can hear you."

He smiled and walked over to the bed. "I was trying not to wake you."

She leaned across and kissed him softly; one hand in his hair, the other holding up the white sheet to cover her bare chest. "I was up already."

"Seriously? You were up this early? How come?"

"You were gone." She smiled seductively playing with his hair.

He laughed. "Ok Catey, now what's the real reason why you were awake?"

"I had a weird dream."

"What was it about?" He asked moving her messy hair out of her face.

"Us." She said looking a bit serious.

"Was it bad?"

"No, we were actually very happy."

"Then why do I get the impression that you didn't like the dream?"

"I didn't." She said sighing.

"Why not? You said we were happy." He looked confused.

"We were, but we were happy with other people." She looked at him. "We weren't together."

He was silent for a while. "You know that I love you right?" He spoke finally.

"Of course, you tell me every day." She smiled.

"Good. You shouldn't worry about that dream ok?"

"You're right, it's just a dream." She said almost in a whisper. "I'm just, I'm afraid of losing you Adrian. I almost lost you so many times before."

"I'm not going anywhere Cate. You'll never lose me. I promise."

"No, don't make promises."


"Promises can be broken." She said.

He nodded silently. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm starving." She smiled and got up with the sheet around her. "I'm gonna shower. See you in a few." She said, dropped the sheet next to the bed and winked at him before going to the bathroom. He laughed and was about to leave the room when his phone rang on a nearby desk. Pushing the books and papers aside he retrieved and answered.


"Hi, uh is this Adrian?" A female voice spoke on the other end of the device.

"Umm, yea. Who is this?"

"It's Scarlet. Scarlet Parks."

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