Chapter 85

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Nick's P.O.V

Something felt wrong.

I was about to make my way back into the cave to make sure everything was alright but I caught their scent. When I turned around I saw them coming in numbers far higher than our own.

"That's a lot Nick. Did you know it was going to be that much?" Griffin, a member of my pack who had the ability to transform into any desired animal asked.

"I didn't know anything. But I didn't underestimate either." I kept my eyes on the army ahead and took a cigarette out, lit it and blew smoke into the air.

"Are you serious about smoking right now Nick?" Stacy, another member of my pack stood next to me.

"Smoking calms me Stacy. I need to be calm right now or else I'll charge right up to that golden eyes motherfucker and rip his throat out."

"Well, well, well Demarco. I'm not surprised by the rage and temper you have towards me this morning. I would be angry too with the person who viciously murdered my mother right in front of my face." He and his army which included about two hundred people stood around twenty feet away from us but we could hear them quite clearly.

I laughed though I was boiling on the inside and crushed the cigarette with my boot. "I never got to ask...why did you kill my mother? She did nothing to you."

"I just followed orders Demarco. I'm a very practical soldier. Wasn't I?"

"Followed orders from who? Who are you working for Chad?" I shouted and stepped forward towards him.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Kaitlin smiled and stepped forward as well. It took her long enough before an unwanted comment came bursting through her dark red lips. Her long blond hair was left open and falling down her almost bare back. Her upper body was covered by a black bustier. No surprise there.

"I told you Nick, you chose the wrong side. You have no idea what you got yourself into the day you joined Jennifer and her pack." Chad walked towards me and smiled. His eyes moved behind me as he scanned the pack and my clan. "Where is Jennifer anyway?"

"None of your goddamn business."

"It is actually. I came here to kill her Demarco, and her pack. This was not supposed to be our fight but you're giving me no choice."

"You wanna get to Jennifer? You're gonna have to go through me and all of the others first."

"I don't think so Demarco. You see, I was a part of your clan for many, many years and I've grown to love each one of its members so much. How can I hurt them?"

"Then call this stupid fight off Chad."

"I can't do that even if I wanted to. But I really don't wanna hurt any of your clan members. So you're giving me no choice...again." He smiled and closed his eyes and began to murmur something to himself.

"Chad they will get hurt if you and your fucking army tries to fight." I shouted at him but he didn't even look at me. "What are you doing? What is he doing?" I looked at Kaitlin who only smiled and blew me a kiss.

"I told you Demarco...I don't want to hurt them." He opened his eyes slowly and smiled.

"Chad what−

My words were instantaneously cut when I saw Griffin walk past me towards Chad and Kaitlin.

"Griffin...Griffin what the hell are you doing? Get back here!" I stared at him in confusion but he looked straight at me and smirked.

"Griffin come back here I'm not−

I paused again as Stacy and Jasmine bounced into me and made their way over to Chad's army.

"Nick, what the hell is going on?" Aiden held his bow ready to fire.

"I don't know."

The twins Stefan and Sean walked over, followed by Melanie and Del.

"Del not you too. Del? Del!"

"They can't hear you Demarco." Chad smiled and looked at me. "Well they can but their minds have been rewired to see you as the enemy now."

"What the fuck did you do Chad? What did you do to them?"

"Hundreds of years ago I sucked the life out of the most powerful witch on earth. I am so glad that I kept some of her power to myself. Mind control is something I've come to love." His eyes glowed brighter as he laughed and looked at me.

"I am not fighting them Chad!"

"You're not...but they can't wait to kill you." He smiled and looked over to Griffin and nodded. In seconds the boy with the dark blue hair dropped to the floor, his clothes bursting and his bones breaking.

"Griffin...Griffin stop it. It's me. It's Nick...come on man." I held both hands up and backed up slowly as a full formed black jaguar with yellow eyes and sharp teeth growled and walked towards me. "I don't wanna hurt you Griffin."

The black killer cat stopped and his eyes stared into mine. His mouth closed and I sighed in relief but as soon as I looked at Chad there was a loud snarl and I fell to the floor. The jaguar stood fiercely on my chest and opened its mouth teeth first plunging into my neck. 

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