Chapter 52

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When Nick left I finally took a good look around the room. Everyone was there witnessing the madness that had taken place. But why hadn't anyone intervened? Especially those who were members of his clan. Morgan was across the room helping Griffin and Chad made his way to me.

"Hey." He smiled, his golden eyes capturing my attention. "That was really brave of you."

"Why didn't one of you guys try to stop Nick? You've known him for years."

"And that's exactly why we didn't. Look, Nick is a really cool, fun and great guy. But he has another side. A bad side. That what you just saw, wasn't the half of it. Mess with the people he loves and he's either gonna kill you or make you wish you were dead." He explained seriously. "You are literally the first person I've ever seen who was able to calm him down."

I laughed a bit. "Yea well I was pretty damn scared."

"And Griffin's pretty damn lucky."

"What's up with Darcy though? If it's ok to ask."

Chad took a deep breath before answering me. "Darcy is a really powerful girl. When we came across her in Southern Arabia Nick was determined to make her a part of the clan, especially after finding out what she was capable of. I mean if you ask me, I don't really see how talking to and seeing spirits was really necessary to us and our clan but Nick seemed to think that she would come in handy. So, she joined our clan, about four years ago and she demonstrated her powers to us and used it a couple times." He explained. "I remember, it was in the month of March, 2011. There were six murders that month. The officials were unable to find the killer, but all of the victims died the same way; slashed throats and stomach. The country was under lockdown, because they said that there was a serial killer on the loose."

"Oh my God, I remember that. One of the victims was a little kid."

"Blond kid, Carla Washington, eight years old." He confirmed.

"Yes, when we found out about this serial killer my pack and I tried really hard to catch the person but we found nothing."

"That's because Nick insisted that we leave California. He insisted that we flee before anyone can find her."

"Darcy was the killer." I said and not asked.

He nodded in approval. "She's not really able to explain why. All we know is that every time she uses her powers to communicate with the dead, she goes out and murders someone. It's as though she loses her mind and just goes crazy. That's why Nick and the rest of us try really hard to prevent her from using her powers. I mean, she knows what happens but after every time she somehow believes that the other time to come will be different, that she'll learn how to control herself but she doesn't."

"That's why Nick got so angry."

"Yes, even though he knows it wasn't Adrian's fault."

"I am so sorry. If Adrian knew, I swear he would have never−

"It's ok, it's no one's fault. Darcy should know better."

"Nick got pretty mad at Griffin also."

"He always gets like that when it comes to Darcy. They have a bit of a...history."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Chad laughed softly. "It's always complicated between the two so you can never really know for sure. The longest they were together for was a year. After that it's been on and off. But like I said, you could never really tell."

I laughed as well but didn't really comment.

"Although," Chad began. "He seems pretty hung up on you. So, maybe we just might have an answer." He smiled.

My laugh grew louder and I shook my head. "Nick and I are just friends, Chad. No one is hung up on anyone." I touched his shoulder. "If anyone's hung up on anyone, it's Avalon on you."

More laughter escaped him. "That may be true but I'm clearly aware of the relationship she has with Jessie and I respect that. He really loves her and I won't hurt him like that."

"Well that's very sweet of you. I like that."

"Can't really say Nick is the same though."

"What does that mean?" I was a bit confused.

"I know you have a boyfriend, Nick knows as well. That is not gonna stop him. He has a keen way of getting whatever he wants." He winked at me.

"And I have a keen way of rejecting him."

"But, do you really want to though?" His golden eyes seemed more curious than his words.

I was taken back and shocked by his unexpected question, hence the delay of my reply. Do you really want to though? Of course I did, I loved Ian. And that is what I said to Chad. "He's the only guy I love. Nick is just gonna have to accept that."

He shrugged and smiled. "I understand that Jennifer. Question is, will he?" He looked me in the eye once more before smiling and returning inside to make sure Griffin was ok.

I stayed outside with an unexplainable feeling of confusion in the depths of my stomach.

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