Chapter 63

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The week after Nick's departure seemed to fly by and everything was quiet during it all. There were three murders, neither of which was supernatural in nature. Instead they were results of gang warfare, an angry employee and a very jealous girlfriend.

Vince had begun to adjust to his new life as a human once again with the help of Angelica and in return he shared some advice with her on his now past life as a wolf. Aiden continued his search for Ember and as usual came up empty handed which left him no less than frustrated. Garrett and Stacy had gone on their first date at a Mexican restaurant up town and they both hit it off quite well while Jessie and Avalon took some days away to themselves. They were all very aware of the threat that still remained but the time off was needed and appreciated.

Thursday came quickly and Adrian was the happiest in the house. He knew she said 5pm but he nervously began dressing at three, changing his outfit at least five times before settling for pitch black jeans, a royal blue denim button down shirt and black timber boots. For the first time in his life he combed his hair, brushing his curly locks back neatly and even adding some gel to it to ensure it stayed that way. Lastly, he splashed on some cologne and quickly made his way outside.

" do I look?"

"You look absolutely stunning." Satyr smiled as she fixed the collar of his shirt.

"Are you sure? Is it too much? I should change shouldn't I?"

"Adrian would you relax? You look perfect now go."

"But I−

"Go!" She demanded and he laughed, grabbed his car keys and left the house.

On his way to the Modern arts building like she said he made a quick stop to Barnes and Noble and purchased an overpriced copy of Pride and Prejudice even though he probably knew the book by heart, but he didn't really care. This class meant a lot to Cate so he didn't mind pretending to be a real student.

He arrived at the building at exactly 4:50pm.

"99, 100, 101, ah 102." After he found the room he pushed the door open and found that the class had already begun.

"Hello sir, do you belong to this class?" A slim, tall woman maybe in her mid thirties with long black hair and a thick British accent asked.

"Um, I would like to join."

"Great, the more the merrier, have a seat wherever you like."

He scanned the room for Cate but saw that someone had already occupied the seat next to her. Luckily for him, the seat behind her was empty. With a smile he sat as the teacher whose name was Katherine, resumed.

"Psst, Cate, thank you so much for inviting me I−

"Shh." She turned around and silenced him with a smile. "Pay attention."

"Sorry." He returned her smile but her blond hair was all he saw again. The entire two hours was spent admiring Cate from behind and each time she raised her hand and eagerly answered a question he applauded the loudest; maybe a bit too loudly as the girl sitting next to him glared at him each time but he ignored her and continued nevertheless. He was in the middle of daydreaming about them on a romantic cruise to Hawaii when he realized that it was him Katherine was looking at.

"Excuse me?"

"I asked, what do you like most about the novel?"

Everyone turned to him including Cate who stared at him with an excited smile.

"Well, I particularly admire the relationship between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. At first it seems quite unlikely that they would both end up as an item as he doesn't see that ever happening, however later on he develops an attraction for her, one of which no one quite saw coming." He smiled and made eye contact with Cate. "Then, even though they both go through a rough patch and are separated, Mr. Darcy is persistent on his love for Elizabeth and without a doubt...they end up together again."

"I see someone has done their reading." Katherine smiled and so did Cate. "Tell me um−

"Adrian." He told her his name.

"Tell me, Adrian, do you think that's just a coincidence? Acceptance after persistence?"

"Not at all. I think that if you truly believe in something, if you truly want something and you truly love with all of your heart and every part of your soul...whatever you seek or whatever you lost will be yours once more."

"Well said Adrian. I think that deserves a round of applause."

After he was applauded the class came to an end and everyone quickly made their way out including Cate. He grabbed his stuff and followed after her.

"Hey, are you just gonna leave me here?"

"What?" She looked at him and tucked her hair behind her ear.

He smiled. "You invited me to your class and that's it? I thought we could have dinner after. What do you say? We can get Italian there's this great restaurant not too far−

"You are so cute." She laughed.

"Oh I know, but let's not get into that or else we'll be getting breakfast as discussing my cuteness will most likely take all night."

She laughed again this time much louder. "I'll see you next week, Adrian right?"

An instant wave of nausea hit him and he began to feel sick. You've got to be fucking kidding!

"Cate, come on let's not do this right now. Let's just go have dinner."

"You know, I'm aware of the stereotype blond girls have but I can assure you that's not me. I'm not gonna go out with a stranger just because he's cute."

"And I am not playing fifty first dates with you!" He shouted in frustration.

"Listen, I'll see you next Thursday. Have a safe night." She smiled and opened her car door.

"Cate please, I'm tired of this." His eyes were beginning to get moist.

She just shook her head, got into her car and waved him goodbye before taking off.

Again Adrian was forced to stand all alone as he watched the love of his life leave without a single clue of who he was.

When her car was completely out of sight he groaned in frustration and kicked a pile of gravel angrily. "Fuck!"

"Adrian?" A female called his name and he swung his head around hoping to see Cate but again he was left disappointed.

"Look Scarlet, now is really not the time." He sighed and walked towards his car.

"Adrian we really have to talk. It's important." She followed behind him quickly.

"I don't care Scarlet. I don't care about anything right now. I need a fucking drink." He took his keys out of his pocket and clicked his doors open.

"But Adrian I have to tell you something!"

"Fuck Scarlet what?" He shouted. "What the fuck is so important? Huh?"

She looked at him and swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "Adrian...I'm pregnant."

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