Chapter 90

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Nick's P.O.V

"What's happening?" Del stood next to me and watched forward at all of them.

I smiled and felt like a child who got exactly what he wanted on Christmas morning. "It worked. The spell worked Del."

The eclipse was over and the sun shined brighter than it did before. Maybe it was a sign that everything was gonna be alright after all.

"Not so fast Nick, we still have to fight."

"What are you−who are you?"

"I'm Sidina but you can call me Sidi. Look how big you've grown, and very handsome I must say."

"'re one of the witches who lived next door to my mother and I. How are you here you're supposed to be dead. But thank you for your compliments you have great taste."

"Long story and we don't have the time right now." She took her eyes off of me and looked at Chad and his army who were becoming mobile again. "The spell simply took their powers away but we still have to fight them. They're still going to be very strong but not invincible."

"Are you kidding me? We went through all of that to simply weaken these fuckers?" I stared at her in vexation. "You're such a powerful witch couldn't you design a spell to...I don't know...decapitate?"

"Ok Nick that's enough." Jennifer held my shoulder and I felt all of my anger slowly decreasing. "It is what it is. Let's just finish this ok?" She smiled at me and I felt myself smiling back.

"Ok nice to see you two reunited again but I am still pretty scared." Del interrupted and Jennifer smiled.

"Fear is good Del. It keeps you alive." I tapped his shoulder and sighed.

"How does fear keep you alive?"

"If you're scared it means you're still alive." I smiled at him and lit up a cigarette.

"Well, look who's got a boost of confidence." Sidi nudged my shoulder and nodded towards the conscious army heading our way. "Ready?"

I crushed the cigarette with my boot and looked behind me where the members of my clan stood relieved of whatever mind control held them against me before. "Ready."

"Great let's−

"Wait!" I looked at Jennifer, Adrian, Scarlet, a girl I didn't know with curly hair and Satyr. "Where's Darcy?" They all looked at me but no one answered. "Hello? Earth to everyone...where is Darcy?"

"Um Nick..." Jennifer's voice was soft and she held my hand in hers. "Darcy...Ian!"

"What? Hey Jennifer!" I called after her but she ran off towards Ian Winters.

"Ok everyone give it your best ok." Sidi spoke and ran into the direction of Chad and his army.

"Wait no one told me where Darcy was." I spoke but they were all running off to fight. "Damn it!" I'm sure I would find her. She had to be around somewhere.

Jennifer's P.O.V

"Ian? Ian!" I never felt myself running so fast before as I bolted towards him. "Ian!"

"Jennifer!" He swung his head to my direction and began running towards me to. He was ok. He smiled as he ran towards me and so did I but as soon as he was close enough he held his fist out and punched me onto the hard ground.

The unexpected hit knocked the breath out of me and I groaned and tried to get up.

"You didn't think it would be that easy now did you?" He smiled an evil smile and dragged my body upwards just so he could knock me back down again.

"W−what the hell...the spell...why are you still−

"Under Chad's influence? I'm not. This is me Jennifer. This is who I am now. I'm free to choose sides and guess what? I don't choose you."

"This is not you!" I shouted and slammed my fist into his face causing him to topple backwards. Before he could find his balance I landed another fist to his face this time drawing blood. "I don't know what the fuck he did to you Ian but I can fix it. Let me fix you."

"I don't want your help Jennifer so shut up and let me finish you." He aimed to punch me again but I grabbed a hold of his fist and pulled his arm behind him tightly.

"Whatever Chad did to you Ian, whatever power he gave to you just remember something, I am the alpha."

"And remember how easy it was to rob you of that title." In a flash he slammed the back of his head onto mine and flung my body onto a nearby boulder causing it to break into pieces.

"You're strong Ian so fight it, please." He stood over me with nothing but wickedness stamped all over his face. "Don't let him win."

"I told you I'm not doing this for him. I'm doing this for me." He knelt down and grabbed my neck with both hands.

"Don't do this Ian. I love you and you love me." I choked and gasped for air. " remember..."

"I don't want to remember. Remembering makes me weak just like love does."

"So you are being controlled." I smiled and I could feel myself turning blue. "Now Garrett."

"What are−

I took a huge breath of air in and exhaled.

"Are you ok?" Garrett helped me up.

"I'm ok thank you." I sighed and looked at Ian on the floor.

"What were you waiting on? He could've killed you."

"I needed to know for sure." He was trying to stand and I walked towards him. "I needed to know for sure that he was being controlled and that those things he said...that it was him...I needed to know it wasn't true."


"Ian," I smiled and stooped next to him. "Are you ok?"

"I think so. What happened did I hurt you?"

"I'm alright. You are going to be alright too." I touched his face and kissed his cheek. "Sorry for this."

"Sorry for wh−

I slammed my fist into his face again and he fell unconscious to the ground.

"Why the hell did you do that?" Garrett looked at me in shock.

"Measure of precaution." I smiled and took the blue liquid out of my pocket.

"Are you sure that's going to help him?"

"It has to." I opened his mouth and poured the liquid into his mouth. "Help me get him somewhere safe."

Together Garrett and I lifted him into the cave where the spell was done.

"I'll be back to get you Ian." I smiled and kissed his head then left to help the others. 

Change of Heart 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora