Chapter 49

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Vince's unconscious body still lied on the floor; Angelica on one side, Jennifer on the other. Nick stood leaning against the door, cigarette in hand as he looked at her, admiring her despite the sleepiness that covered his eyes. Tired as well she looked up from Vince, straight into his eyes and gave a lethargic, but still beautiful to him, smile. His lips slowly curved as well, and his smile widened when she got up and walked over to him.

"Hey, why don't you get some rest, I know you're tired." She touched his cheek.

He cradled his face in the warmth of her palm. "I am not gonna rest until you do."

"You know I can't, Nick. I need to make sure Vince is ok before I do."

He sighed and pulled her closer. "Promise me you'll come to bed ok?"

"I promise." She smiled and took his face closer, brushing her lips against his softly. Without a word he wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing her body against his, taking her lips between his. With a soft laugh, she parted his lips further, sliding her tongue into his mouth and−

"Nick? Nick!" A voice shouted in front of him ending his fantasy.

"What?" He shouted back then felt the burn of the cigarette that was lighting between his fingers. "Shit!" He threw the butt outside and rubbed his burnt fingers.

"Dude what were you thinking about?" Del asked.

His eyes came down to the floor where I was still trying to figure out how to fix Vince. I looked up at him and just gave a frustrated sigh before looking away.

"Nick?" Del questioned.

"Nothing, forget about it."

"Are you sure? Because I don't think I've ever seen you waste a cigarette."

He laughed and shook his head. "It wasn't wasted trust me." He left Del confused and went to the kitchen where he made two cups of coffee and a cup of hot chocolate. When he returned outside he sat on the floor next to Angelica and I.

"Thank you." Angelica smiled as she took the hot chocolate and immediately began to drink.

"Angel." He handed me a cup of black coffee, just the way I liked it. "Take a break."

"Thanks." I began drinking the hot beverage and stopped when I realized he didn't take his eyes off of me. "What?"

"Nothing." Even when you're completely exhausted you're still the most beautiful thing in the world to me. He thought, as he finished his cup of coffee.

"Ok, guys I think I have an idea as to how we can help Vince." Aiden's confident voice caught everyone's attention as he walked into the room. He stood next to Satyr. "Satyr, you said that Vince is turning into one of those creatures right?"

"That's right." She was attentive.

"Ok, so that means that the creature's venom is taking over his body right?"


"Great, you also said that the one thing that's immune to the venom is human blood."

"I did, and that's right. The creatures weren't made to harm humans therefore their venom has no effect on them."

"So, let's say that the creatures tried to turn a human, what's gonna happen?"

"Ok, there's a component in the venom that my sister Sidi placed. I don't exactly remember the name but it was placed there to counteract with the human's blood. Because of it, the human blood fights off the venom and disintegrates it, so that it won't affect the human. Understand?"

"So, if we get Vince human blood it's gonna solve the problem? He'll be ok?" Angelica asked.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that. If the amount of venom in him was minute, maybe the ingestion of human blood would have been able to help him. However, almost his entire system is taken over with the venom. The only way human blood could help him now is if his body was actually producing it. Meaning, if his heart pumped human blood."

"But that's impossible, he's a werewolf. How can he produce human blood?" Del asked.

"That is where my idea comes in." Aiden answered. "The only way Vince could produce human blood is if he were human."

"I'm not picking up on what you're saying." Del replied. "And I always pick up."

"Guys, think about it." Aiden almost yelled. "Who do we know, has the ability to turn a werewolf back into−

"Adrian!" I shot up, almost dropping my cup of coffee. "We need Adrian!"

"Finally." Aiden said; he looked at Satyr. "Could it work?"

"It actually might." She smiled.

"Ok, so where is he?" Angelica asked. "Where's Adrian?"

The realization hit me and I sighed. "He left." 

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