Chapter 4

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The cab drive to the valley took a little over twenty minutes due to slight traffic. It didn't take us long to find out who the family or friends of the dead werewolf was. As soon as we walked deep into the first street, we encountered a woman who looked hysterical and very worried. She paced up and down the front of her lawn and I instantly recognized the chain around her neck.

"Excuse me miss?" I asked politely touching her shoulder.

"Who are you?" She asked frantically flinging my hand off of her.

"Relax; we're not here to hurt you. We just have a few questions." Adrian said giving her a comforting smile. "Do you recognize this?" He asked revealing the chain to her.

She gasped and covered her mouth. "Where did you get this?" She demanded.

"Do you know who it belongs to?" I asked.

"Yes, it's Elijah's. How do you have this? Where is he?"

"Who was Elijah?" I asked.

She hesitated. "He−

"Don't be afraid. We know what you are. We are the same." Adrian said proving his inhumanity to her by changing the color of his eyes for a brief moment.

The lady took a deep breath. "Elijah is my brother. He is very important to me and the others. Please tell me where he is. He's been gone all morning and he's not picking up his phone."

"This phone?" Adrian asked handing her the phone.

"Why do you have this phone? How did you get it? Where did you find it?"

"We found it....."


"We found it in his pocket when we found his dead body." I said.

She looked shocked and unable to speak.

"Miss, please talk to us. Is there anyone who wanted him dead?" I asked.

"No, Elijah can't be dead. Who's gonna lead us now?" She cried.

"What do you mean?" Adrian asked.

"Elijah was the alpha of our pack."

I felt as though my heart gave up. "The alpha?"

Adrian pulled me aside. "Jennifer, this is more serious than we thought. Not only is this person strong enough to kill a werewolf, they could also kill an alpha? What the hell?"

"I... I don't−

"Jennifer we have to find out who's doing this. We need to stop them." Adrian said and I could see the fright and worry in his eyes.

I was about to look at him when something behind caught my eye. "Did you see that?"

"See what?"

"There was a woman, right there." I pointed.

"I don't see anyone." He said trying to look. "Maybe it was a trick of the light."

"Yea..... maybe." I said still looking in the direction I could've sworn she was just standing..... looking at us.

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