Chapter 34

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It was almost midnight when I finally came out of my bedroom. The house was extremely quiet for the first time ever and even though I liked a little peace and quiet sometimes I craved the noisy festive atmosphere we once had. My eyes felt heavy from continuous sobbing but they refused to let me sleep. I was halfway down the hall when my nose cringed. The air in the hallway was infused with the scent of tobacco. Following the origin of the scent I found myself in front of one of our guest bedrooms. I knocked lightly and the door creaked open a little. When my eyes caught sight of him he was sitting at the edge of the bed bent over in silence as his eyes were concentrated on the piece of paper in one hand. The other hand held the lit cigarette.

"Nick." I said his name and walked closer to the bed.

He looked up at me briefly. "Hey." He took another pull on the cigarette and focused on the paper again.

"What are you doing?" I asked sitting next to him.

"One who was born in the image of another..." He repeated to himself. I just realized that the piece of paper was the prophecy given to us by Satyr. "What does that mean? Does it mean like a twin or something?" He looked directly at me. I stared into his crystal grey eyes and shrugged.

"I guess so." I shifted my eyes to the paper.

"Who has grown to love someone else as a mother." He said. "Could that a foster parent?"

"It could mean that the person was adopted; most likely at a young age or a baby."

"The third is even vaguer." He out the cigarette and took another one out.


"What?" He put it in his mouth and was about to light it but he sighed and took it out. "Ok, ok." He pushed it back into his pocket.


"Angel." He answered still looking at the paper.

"You're bleeding." I said noticing the blood that seeped through his jersey just by his shoulders.

"Oh yea, it's nothing it'll heal."

"No it won't." I said. "I did that to you earlier today. I'm a werewolf Nick and you're a vampire. My venom is in the wound that's why it's not healing. You need my blood to heal it."

"How do you know that? I thought you didn't know anything about vampires?"

"I didn't, until I read your mother's diary."

"Oh, but it's ok, it feels better already."

"Oh really?" I asked and touched the wound lightly.

"Ah, ok, ok, ok. Stop it!" He shouted in pain.

"Feels better huh? I could tell." I laughed a bit.

"Ok, maybe I do need your blood." He said and he was much closer to me all of a sudden.

I took a small slide away and rolled up my sleeve exposing my wrist to him. "Go ahead."

He shook his head in disapproval and came closer. "I want it from here." He whispered brushing my neck with his fingers.

"Does it matter?" I asked softly.

"It does." He said moving my hair out of the way. He held my neck softly and brought it closer to him. I closed my eyes and waited. His warm breath tickled my skin as he traced his nose up and down my neck. I took a deep breath and tried to slow down my racing heart. "Don't be scared. It'll be ok." He whispered. I could've sworn I felt him place a soft kiss on my neck but I couldn't be too sure because he sunk his teeth into it seconds after. The feeling of his teeth piercing into my flesh caused me to jump slightly but the feelings afterwards were indescribable. I don't know what it was or how he did it. Was a vampire bite always this enticing? Or was he doing something to make it be? I couldn't tell. It was the best feeling I ever had in my entire life. I forgot about everything else in the world; everything that was stressing me out; everything that I should be worrying about. Right now it was just Nick. He was the only thing that mattered to me at this point; the only thing I wanted to matter. Soft moans escaped my lips and I wrapped my fingers in his hair pressing his mouth closer and tighter to my neck. I didn't want it to stop but he withdrew himself.

I took a couple of breaths and tried to regain my awareness. Slowly I touched my neck which was a bit sore.

"It'll be ok in a few minutes." He said rubbing my neck with his thumb.

"How are your shoulders?" I asked trying to get over the feeling.

"Uh they feel much better."

"Can I see?"

He hesitated a bit. "Um...sure." He took his jersey off so I could examine the wounds.

"They look better already." I smiled then looked a bit confused. "You have a lot of tattoos."

"Uh yea...I do." He said a bit uneasily.

"They're really...strange." I said looking at them. "What are they? They look like glyphs."

"It's nothing Angel, forget about it." He said pulling his T shirt back on.

"No it's not." I said stopping him. "How did you get these?" I touched one of the tattoos that were plastered to his chest.

He looked at my hand on his chest. "You won't believe me if I told you."

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