Chapter 23

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I was on my way to get a cab home when I saw him turn into an alley on the left side of the church. I was angry with him but I needed to talk to him. Immediately I forgot about getting a cab and I ran down the sidewalk trying to reach to him. "Hey!" I shouted after him but I guess he didn't hear me. "Hey, wait!" He continued walking down the alley. Turning his head for a second he took a glance at me and then looked away and walked. My anger intensified.

"Nick!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the alley. He stopped walking and turned around slowly in my direction.

"I see you've googled the meaning I gave you." He said in his usual cocky tone.

"I am so pissed at you right now!" I shoved him against a wall by his chest.

"Damn, you're really strong Angel." He said normally as though he felt nothing.

"Do not call me that." I said seriously.

"Oh I'm so scared, you put your serious voice on, look at me I'm shivering." He said walking so close to me that I could smell the stale scent of cigarettes in his breath without even trying.

"Why did you leave the party that night?" I asked.

He scoffed. "I don't need to explain myself to you Angel."

I grabbed on to his collar and pulled his face closer to mine. "Why did you leave the party?"

I was shocked when he let out a soft laugh. "Did you really think that your little compulsion trick would work on me honey?" He cocked his head to the side. "Do you think I'm human?"

"I know you're not human nor a werewolf." I said pushing him away from me. "But I also know that if I ask you what you are you'll turn yourself into a fricking jigsaw puzzle."

"You're right, I am a jigsaw puzzle," he smiled coming closer again. "but you my love will find me very hard to figure out because you don't have all the pieces."

"Can't you be serious for once?" I asked.

"Can't you relax for once?" He replied.

"How can I relax when things like this are happening? People are dying! You know something so why don't you just tell me and stop turning everything into a game!" I shouted.

"I already told you the most important thing. Stop trying to find this killer or you will be the other body to be found around here."

"Should I take that as a threat?"

"Take it however you want Angel." He kissed my forehead, got on a bike and disappeared.

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