Chapter 29

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I didn't reach to the inside of the house when Vince came flying out crashing through the glass window of the living room.

"Vince!" My throat felt sore as his name burst through. Nick got to him before I did, as he was faster.

"He's ok!" He said to me, as he examined Vince's bloody body.

"Vince, what happened?"

"Ian, he's evil Jennifer." He coughed.

"What are you talking about?"

"He tried to kill me. He was the one calling Angelica, that's a friend. He was trying to make her kill me. I put two and two together but when I approached him with it he lashed out."

"Where is he now?"

"Inside, be careful Jennifer." He shouted to me as I took off.

"Ian?" I was walking slowly into the empty living room. Nick was on my right, Vince on my left. "Ian, it's me. Where are y−

"Avalon!" Vince shouted and we all ran in the direction of the scream.

"Ian! Let her go!" I yelled out. He was holding her in a choke against the wall. I noticed that Jessie was unconscious on the ground. Without taking his eyes off of me he let go of Avalon and she fell to the floor.

"Jennifer." He said my name with no emotion at all.

"What is wrong with you Ian?" I asked walking towards him slowly. Nick put a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"Angel, don't−

"It's ok." I said, moving his hand and continuing to walk. "Ian, what's wrong?"

He didn't answer me. He just stared at me with stone cold eyes.

"No one is going to hurt you. Just tell me what's wrong." I was standing directly in front of him now.

He stepped closer to me and lowered his head, kissing my lips for nearly five seconds. Then he put his lips to my ear. "This is only the beginning Jennifer." He smiled and dashed out of the house.

"This is your fault Vince." I said, not looking at either of them.

"My fault?" He asked sounding annoyed as he walked closer.

"It's all your fault!" I spun around looking him angrily in the eye. "If you didn't accuse Ian none of this would've happened!"

"I didn't accuse him Jennifer; I told him that I knew what he was doing! He was trying to kill me, what part of that don't you understand?" He shouted. "He is not good, why can't you see that? If it's anyone's fault it's yours!"

"How is this my fault?"

"You fall in love with the wrong people!" He yelled.

I stared at him in disbelief before I answered. "You're right I do fall in love with the wrong people. I fell in love with you and it ruined my life. I wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for you in the first place."

"You are in this mess because you choose to be!" He was so mad that he grabbed my hand tightly when he spoke.

I pushed him away from me. "Well maybe I should just walk away like you did right? That seems to be the best option."

"I walked away for a reason!"

"And that's the reason why I was forced to fall in love with the wrong people Vince. It all comes back to you."

"Alright, this is my mess. It's my fault. So I should be the one to deal with it. I should be the one to fix the problem and right now Ian is the problem."

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"I am gonna find Ian." He said. "And I am gonna kill him."

"Are you crazy?" I was more pissed than ever. "You can't kill Ian!"

"Watch me." He said turning to walk out of the house when a woman stood in his way.

"She's right Vince. You can't kill Ian." She said. "Not even if you wanted to."

"And why is that?" Vince asked folding his arms.

She took a deep breath. "You can't kill him, because he's possessed."

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