Chapter 44

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It was almost nine fifteen which made it two hours since the rain started to pour and I left the hospital on bare feet. Out of breath and energy I stumbled on the front steps of the house I remembered him going to and banged agonizingly on the door. When no one answered I attempted to call his name when someone behind me spoke up through the rain.

"Ma'am there's no one there!" A man in about his mid thirties called out to me while getting soaked from head to toe even though he had an umbrella.

"What do you mean? Doesn't Aiden live here?" I shouted so he could hear me through the shower.

"Aiden Cater? Yes, he used to. He got really sick so his parents took him to the hospital about a month ago. He's not able to return yet. I don't know if he'll be able to. It's sad; he was such a nice young man."

"Which hospital is he at?"

"Bellevue Hospital Centre."

"Thank you!" I said to him as I began running again, this time in the direction of the boy whose life I put in serious danger.

I arrived at the hospital just in time to hear the doctor tell Aiden's parents that he was sorry. He was dying. Because the disease was mixed with my blood and my blood was mixed with witch's blood from my father, the disease multiplied itself ten times faster than usual in Aiden's body. His liver was already damaged and he was unable to get a transplant for almost three weeks. Stupid heath system. It was too late for that anyway. Aiden needed help and he needed it as fast as possible.

I ran downstairs to the lobby of the hospital and used the pay phone to call my father. After minutes of him arguing with me for running off I finally got some words in about Aiden.

"What do you expect me to do Ember?"

"Dad, I need you to help him please. Just use your powers to heal him, he's dying dad." I said softly into the phone to avoid people hearing me.

"No Ember! You know I can't do that. I will use my powers to heal you and that's it. Now come home so we can sort this out!"

"Dad please!" Hot tears scorched my face. "It's my fault! Please just help him, for my sake. I'm begging you dad."

"Ember I said no and that is final!" There was a click and the line went dead. I took a deep breath and slammed the phone on its hook and stormed out of the hospital. I know what I had to do to save Aiden's life. Being a Caretaker makes you aware of many werewolves around the area. I knew one who would help me no matter what. After twenty more minutes of running I finally reached the front porch of Jennifer Grey's house.

Jennifer didn't know me but I knew her. When she came outside I gave her the instructions to insert her venom into the needle I took from the hospital followed by the name of the hospital, the room and his name. I explained to her that he was a good guy who didn't deserve to die yet. I didn't tell her my name, however I asked her to compel Aiden to forget the girl he met after rescuing Daisy. I told her that it was my job to help him. After tonight it was. She easily agreed to help me and take him into her pack afterwards and I thanked her a hundred times.

When she left I was on my way to the hospital to ensure that everything went ok but my father sent three of his men to bring me back home. I put up a fight but I couldn't defeat all of them especially when there were weapons involved. My faith in Jennifer was strong so I wasn't so worried. I would check on him whenever I got the chance to again. After curing me and keeping me locked up in the house for six weeks after as punishment, my father finally let me go. As expected the first thing I did was rush to Jennifer's however I met her up on the way.

She explained to me that Aiden was doing really well and I had nothing to worry about. I thanked her for everything once more and she assured me that it was her pleasure. She asked if I wanted to see him but I declined. I would meet Aiden soon but not now. I would be there for him, but only when he absolutely needs me. I had to, because I was now his Caretaker.

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