Chapter 50

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"Hi there." She smiled approaching the huge rock outside where he sat looking up at the fullness of the moon. The night was cold and still and despite all of the confusion going on in their world it seemed so quiet and relaxing. "I'm Darcy." She held her hand out. As she stood closer to him she could see the worry and hurt that gathered at the base of his dim green eyes. There were also dark bags that hung below his eyes which she assumed accumulated from a lack of sleep.

"Adrian." He replied shaking her hand.

"I know who you are. You're on everyone's mind in there right now." She nodded to the house. "Why are you out here though? Why don't you come inside?"

"I don't think I'm welcomed in there anymore." He laughed a sad laugh.

"Of course you are. They love you."

He sighed. "I'm a horrible person."

"No you're not. Everything around you, everything that's happening is horrible. You're a good guy I know that." She sat next to him on the rock.

"You don't even know me. How do you know that?" He looked at her.

"You're right, I don't know you. But, I know someone who knows you pretty well. Someone who knows you better than anyone else in the world."

"That's impossible. The only person who knew me that well was−


His mouth opened slightly as he looked at her shocked. "You knew Cal?"

"I wouldn't say knew. I would say, know." She smiled at him.

"Ok, I'm confused."

"Maybe I should've started this conversation with what I am."

"What are you then?"

"I'm an Emere, and before you ask, an Emere is someone who has the ability to switch between the physical and spiritual world. Meaning, I can see and hear spirits, and even touch them."

"And here I was thinking werewolves were pretty cool. You just made them sound hella boring."

She laughed. "I heard you were funny. Listen, Adrian, I have heard so many great things about you. Cal really believes in you. He thinks you're an amazing person and so strong. He also misses you so much. He's with you every day, watching over you and hoping that you do the right things."

There were tears in his eyes. "I miss him too. He was like my brother."

She looked as though she was in thought for a minute and then she finally said. "Give me your hand."

"Why?" He wiped his eyes.

Without another word she smiled and took his hand. "I need you to focus. Think about Cal, ok?"

He nodded quietly and watched as she tightened her grip on his hand, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Almost a minute passed and nothing changed. Just as he was about to call her he heard him.


His eyes widened and so did his smile. "Oh my are you−

"Waw, looks like you were right. The only time I would indeed see you speechless is over my dead body." He laughed.

"Cal," Adrian smiled, let go of Darcy's hand and literally jumped into his arms. "Dude, I miss you so damn much."

Cal laughed. "I know buddy, I miss you too." He squeezed him into his arms.

"This feels so real, it's like you're actually here."

"I know, but I can't stay too long. I need to tell you something Adrian."

"What is it?"

"That night, during the fight with Ian's pack and you were dying and−

"And you sacrificed yourself to save me?" Adrian interjected. "Which I still don't get by the way."

"Right, remember I told you that someday you were gonna understand why I did it? And that you couldn't die?"

"Wait, don't tell me what you're saying is linked to what Satyr and the others are saying that needs to be done with my blood, because it's a bit nonsensical."

"I know it sounds a bit farfetched Adrian, but I need you to please give Satyr a chance to explain things to you. What she's saying is real and you are the key to fixing the problems with those creatures. This is what I sacrificed my life for. You know me Reynard, I would never do something unless I know for sure it was absolutely necessary."

Adrian sighed. "It was always down to logic and business with you."

"Exactly, so please just give her a chance."

"How did you know about all of this?" Adrian asked, brows creased.

Cal smiled. "When you speak with Satyr and agree to help her and the others, ask her about Cayden Wright, you'll understand."

"I guess normality is something pretty rare now huh?"

Cal laughed. "You might be right about that. But please, don't let my death be in vain."

"I won't. I promise." He was serious.

"Good, and remember, I'm always around." Cal smiled and hugged his best friend one more time. "Goodbye Adrian."

"It's never goodbye." Adrian smiled and watched as Cal disappeared into the darkness. When he couldn't see him anymore he turned to Darcy who was still on the rock with her eyes still closed and a focused look on her face. He walked next to her and lightly touched her shoulder. Slowly, her eyes opened and she smiled.

"Well?" Her voice was soft.

He smiled and hugged her. "Thank you, Darcy."

"You're welcome. Sometimes the best advice can only come from the ones who already left us. I guess I've been given a gift that's not only beneficial to me but to everyone around."

"Before you did it though you looked like you were thinking hard about something. What was it?"

"Well, even though I've been given this gift, I'm still mostly human at the end of the day. When I do stuff like that it affects me...negatively."


She laughed. "It's nothing to worry about. I've got years of experience so I know how to handle it. You should go inside though, they need you."

"Ok, you coming?"

"Uh yea I'll be there in a minute, I just need some air. Go ahead." She smiled slightly, looking away from him.

"Are you sure you're ok Darcy?"

"I'm great, cute face, run along." She laughed with him as he turned and ran up the driveway into the house. She looked around the area before pulling her coat tightly around her, opening the gate and leaving.

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