Chapter 43

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There's a saying that the best things in life come unexpected. After that day I began believing it. I had spent the entire night before staring at the ceiling unable to sleep with thought of my new Caretaker on my mind. Where would I go to find them? Would it be a male or female? What special qualities did my father look for in his selection? I didn't know the answer to any of these questions. All I knew was that I wanted this to be perfect. I had to prove to my father that I was just as good as he was.

Morning came fast as though to spite me and before I knew it I was hailing a cab on its way to the sports arena for the annual Cross fit Challenge in Manhattan. I decided that I wanted my Caretaker to be someone extremely fit. Whoever won the challenge was going to be awarded with more than that first prize. However, the cab I hailed apparently missed me completely and continued driving at full speed at the same time a little girl around the age five was midway in the street.

"Stop!" I shouted out in hopes that my voice would reach the ear of the careless driver but he continued to drive. "No!" I almost cried out when the car raced through the street, but just before the metallic carrier could end the child's life a dash of navy blue passed before my eyes and the car sped by hitting nothing. Confusion clouded my already busy mind until I looked to the other side of the street and saw the navy blue T-shirt next to the scared little girl. Scanning the streets for other crazy drivers I made my way across and approached them.

"Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" His voice was soft and comforting as he examined the child's body for any signs of damage.

"I'm scared." Her fragile voice trembled.

"You don't have to be scared anymore ok. You're fine now. You're safe, everything is gonna be ok." He wiped a tear off of her reddened cheeks. "What's your name?"


"Daisy? Like the flower?" He asked sounding quite amused by her name.

"Yes." She smiled.

"Well I must say that name is perfect for you because you are just as pretty as the flower." He smiled.

"Oh my God, Daisy honey!" A woman with hair just like the little girl's ran down the street and took her in her arms. "I'm so happy you're ok." She hugged her daughter and looked at the boy in the navy shirt. "Thank you so much. God bless you son." She hugged him too.

"It was no problem at all. I'm happy to help." He smiled.

"How can I ever thank you?" She asked.

"Just, try to keep little Daisy off of the streets." He smiled and hugged the little girl once more.

"I promise. Take care." The woman said before taking off with her lucky daughter. When they were out of sight he turned to leave but I stopped him.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Uh, hi."

"That was really brave of you, saving that little girl. You could've gotten killed."

"I know, but if I didn't then she would've gotten killed."

"You were really fast too."

He laughed. "Yeah well I play a lot of soccer so speed is a necessity for me."

"That's really impressive." I smiled. "I'm Ember."

"Aiden; nice to meet you."

"Would you like to go get some coffee or something?" I asked. This is who I wanted. He had to be my new Caretaker. I realized that the most athletic person wouldn't be good enough if they didn't possess the special quality I just saw in Aiden. The true quality of a Caretaker.

"That would be great." He smiled in agreement and together we walked down the sidewalk to the nearest coffee shop.

My strategy was simple. I slipped a drug into his latte and after he finished the cup he was out cold. I ensured that we got seats in the last booth to the back so that no one would see us. While he was unconscious, I took the needle with my blood out and injected it into the vein near his wrist. When the time was near for him to wake up I scribbled a note onto a napkin and quickly exited the shop. It said:

Aiden, you fell asleep just after you finished up your coffee and we were talking. It's ok don't worry. I know how tired you must be after that daring rescue. I had to leave though but I enjoyed meeting you. I hope to see you again sometime. I have a feeling we will meet again. Take care... Ember.

I left the shop but stayed outside in hiding so that he wouldn't see me when he came out. Almost fifteen minutes later he walked outside looking a bit confused as he walked down the sidewalk all the way to a house which I assumed was his home. I knew that he would have been confused and he would be for a while, but after he turned I would explain everything. On returning home I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait for my father to return to relate him the good news. However things went downhill pretty fast; for me at least.

At first I thought it was the flu. I went with that idea for the two weeks I suffered with stomach ache, skin rash, headache and fever. By the third week I couldn't stop vomiting and my eyes and skin began to look yellowish. My father returned home almost a month after my illness and decided that I needed to see a doctor. Being the stubborn person I am I told him I would be fine but my father was even more stubborn than me so that night we ended up at the General hospital where a doctor broke the bad news to us.

"I'm sorry Ms. Callaway, but you're diagnosed with hepatitis b." Doctor Harris read sadly from his clipboard. "It's strange, you said that your symptoms started about a month ago, however the results of your test is equivalent to someone's results that's had the disease for several months, almost a year."

My father cleared his throat and held my hand. "Thank you doctor, but we'll be fine." He said turning to exit the hospital.

"Sir, your daughter needs serious medical assistance. She could die."

"I said we'll be fine." He said sternly.

"Sir if you would just listen to me. This is serious. We also need to know if there's anyone who your daughter might have spread the illness to. Is she sexually active?"

With that the doctor received a smack in the face by my father who was furious, but my mind was already preoccupied to feel sorrow for the doctor or guilt for my father's rational actions.

"Oh my God!" I gasped pulling my hands loose from my father's grip.

"What is it?" He demanded.

"Aiden!" I cried and started to run.

"Ember? Ember!" My father called after me but I didn't care.

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