Chapter 92

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Jasmine's P.O.V

I watched as he bolted off in her direction with such eagerness and excitement; something he never really expressed for me...well not that much anyway. He held her face and looked at her with fervor and I had to admit I was pretty jealous and angry all at once.

Aiden was mine and no one was gonna take him away from me. I waited too long to find the perfect guy to let him slip away to some girl, who by the looks of it, broke his heart once and did it again.

If she can do it again that means he still loves her.

I knew my subconscious was right but I wasn't having it.

I clenched my jaw as I saw how devastated and depressed he looked after she ran off into the fight again.

Aiden was fine. He was doing just fine before she came along. Who was she to wreck that?

The anger surged deeper into me and I couldn't control it.

I wasn't just angry about Aiden. Everything that was happening around me hung heavily on a nerve and I knew what was coming.

I hadn't done it in years. The last time I did...before I knew what it could do...hundreds of supernaturals emerged out of everywhere running to my aid.

Maybe that's what we needed right now.

Looking across the field I saw Nick battling with four guys at once. His face was bloody and his strength was decreasing rapidly.

The twins Sean and Stefan were struggling to get off of the ground.

Jennifer was trying her best to rip Kaitlin's head off but two other guys came to the bitch's aid and slammed Jennifer into the ground.

I felt myself tripping totally when my eyes landed on Del.

"Del!" I screamed and raced over to him. "Del what happened are you ok?"

I knew he wasn't ok. There was a huge gash to his stomach that was not healing like it should.

"Out of all the w−weird stuff we've done...I never...thought I'd die from exsanguination."

"You're not gonna die Del." I felt my cheeks becoming wet and the rage boiled inside of me.

"Oh my God what happened? Del? Del!" It was Nick who held Del's stomach and cried as he tried to close the wound. "Del come on I'm not gonna lose you."

"It's ok Nick..."

"No it's not ok!" He shouted and cried at once. "Del you're my best friend...don't leave me."

Del's eyes closed slowly and Nick started to cry more than I ever saw him did before.

"Del? Del wake up! Come on man wake up!"

"Nick...he's gone." Jennifer knelt beside Del and touched his face with tears in her eyes.

"No, no, no! He can't leave...he can't..." Unable to finish his words endless tears flowed down Nick's cheeks and Jennifer took him into her arms.

"I'm so sorry Nick." She rubbed his head and cried with him.

That was it.

I stood up and looked at Del's body lying lifelessly on the ground in a pool of blood.

I felt numb inside and I braced myself to let it out.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and screamed.

I didn't hear it myself...maybe it was so loud that I'd gone deaf. But by the way everyone else stopped whatever they were doing and pressed their hands against their ears with all of their strength I knew that it worked.

By the time the last echoes of my scream sounded I saw them; hundreds of supernatural creatures racing down into the field obeying the beacon of my call.

Now, it was Chad and his army who were outnumbered.

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