Chapter 96

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Jennifer's P.O.V

I should have been relieved and happy that it was finally all over but there was a part of me that was not letting happiness in.

Maybe it was the fact that we lost one of our own; Jessie.

I kept the thought at bay but I knew that I would have to face it sooner rather than later.

Looking to my left I saw Adrian with the one person he longed to have in his arms for months; Cate. It was good to see him happy...even with Scarlet by his side.

Aiden took Jasmine into a tight embrace but his smile wasn't totally genuine and neither were his eyes. As he hugged her she soaked every part of him in. She loved him more than anything and I was afraid Aiden would break her heart for his eyes went across the field where a girl with curly brown hair sat alone...her eyes meeting his.


His voice was soft and soothing and I turned to him with a smile.

"Nick...are you ok?"

His smile met his eyes and he dragged his fingers through his already messy hair. "I'm great actually. We won."

"It was a really hard, stressful and threatening fight but surprisingly we did."

"I'm not surprised." He looked into my eyes and held his gaze.

"You aren't?"

"I believed in us. Together we can do anything."

My smile grew wider and he stepped closer to me. "Do you mean my pack and your clan or...the two of us?"

"What do you think?" His voice was a light whisper and he held my face and inched closer.

"I think both." I placed my hands on his and closed my eyes so I can allow my lips to find his.

"Jennifer?" Satyr's voice came too soon and I let go of Nick and looked at her. "It's Ian...he's awake."

"Thanks Say, I'll be right there." I smiled and she left.

"You gave the potion to Ian." Nick said not asked with a smile I knew wasn't a happy one.

"Uh yea I did...I um hope it works."

"Seems like it did he's awake. You should go to him." That smile came again and it killed me each time.

"Nick I−

"Jennifer please...just go."

Jennifer. He said Jennifer.

"Nick if you would just−

"Just what?" He laughed. "You know what forget it. I'm gonna find Darcy."

"No wait!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me.



"Um Darcy isn't here Nick."

"Where is she?" His face was serious and worried at once and it was my least favorite.

I took a deep breath and looked at him. "She left."

"What are you talking about?"

"She told me to tell you that she needed some time with herself to figure her life out." I took her necklace out of my pocket and placed it in his hands.

His eyes were moist and his expression went from worried to hurt as he took the necklace up gently as if he was afraid it'll hurt him even more.

"She just...left?" When he held the necklace up water leaked out of his eyes and I wondered what would have happened if I told him the truth.

"I'm sorry Nick but...maybe this is will be good for her." The lies hurt coming out but they were necessary.

"She didn't even say goodbye." He broke into a silent sob and I exhaled and held him in my arms.

"She's gonna be ok Nick...and so will you." I placed a kiss on his cheek and rubbed his head.

"I hope she will." He sighed and looked at me. "Do you think I'll hear from her or see her again?"

"Someday." I smiled but he didn't.

"I need a cigarette." He shook his head and walked off in the other direction.

Closing my eyes I wondered if I just helped Nick or caused him more damage than knowing the truth would have.

Change of Heart 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें