Chapter 30

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When she walked into the house Nick's eyes opened to their widest and he stood up from where he was sitting. "You..."

She turned to face him and her eyes opened wider as well. "You..."

I turned around and looked at Garrett who was just as confused as I was. "They." He said shrugging, sitting on the couch and waiting for an explanation.

"You're Helen's son aren't you?" She said walking closer to him.

"Yea, you're the hocus pocus woman from next door aren't you?"

"I have a name." She said showing him a bracelet with her name oh it 'Satyr'

"That's a name? How is that even pronounced?"

She rolled her eyes. "Say-ter" She pronounced her name. "You're alive, how is that even possible?" She walked closer and touched his face. "Oh, you're a vampire now."

"Kinda grateful for that creation, however, not the other one so much seeing that it killed my mother." He said.

"Well, we are on the same page because it also killed my sister, as you know."

"Anyway, I am just glad to see you up and alive, and still very pretty I must say. How old are you now a few hundred?"

Satyr looked at me. "Is he always like this?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"So Satyr, now you can tell us how to kill this son of a bitch so we can go back to our merry lives and not having to worry about a psychopathic creature lurking around and draining us of our blood." Nick said in one breath.

"Actually, it's not your blood he wants. It's the werewolves'."

"Doesn't matter, I still want him dead. Not only does he have the ability to kill any other supernatural being, which I am one of by the way, he is also preying on creatures like my beautiful Angel over here." He pointed at me. "And I don't want that. So, how do we do it? Magical potion? Stake made out of the wood of a freshly cut oak tree? Blood of a dragon?"

"Blood is used to destroy it, but not the blood of a...dragon." She peered at Nick. He shrugged. "Blood of the chosen ones."

"Chosen ones." I said remembering. "That's what you called Adrian."

"Adrian is one of them. There are three." She explained. "Sidi, my sister, made it so that the blood of three particular people would be able to destroy this thing. Everything has a weakness. That is its weakness. But the blood is to come from three very special people."

"Ok well we just need to find the one other person and begin the massacre." Nick added.

"Two others." She said.

"We have two already. This Adrian guy and myself. We just need one more." Nick said.

"I don't think you're one Nick." I said.

"Satyr said that it's very special people. Obviously I'm a part of that." He said. "Tell her Say."

Satyr took a deep breath ignoring Nick. "Adrian is definitely one. I know that from the prophecy."

"Well what's the prophecy? Maybe we can figure it out together."

"This is it." She handed me a piece of paper.

I read it out loud. "One whose power runs in his veins; when others lose theirs, his still remains. One who was born in the image of another; who has grown to love someone else as a mother. One who is everything but what one can imagine; whose power is not seen, but comes from within. Together the three must join to fulfill their destiny. Combine their power to defeat a profound iniquity."

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