Chapter 75

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"Adrian? Wake up dear." She placed her hands on his sweating forehead and despite the warmness of his body he shivered under her touch. "Wake up." She shook his body and he jolted up and gasped for air.

"Get me out of here! Take me back home!" His words came out in a rush and he scrambled through the bed sheets.

"Adrian relax, relax! Take it easy honey you were dreaming." She soothed him by brushing his bouncy hair softly with her fingers. "You're at home. It's alright."

"Satyr?" Bright, wet green eyes examined her face and the room around him. It was his bedroom and no longer the woods or the inside of a cave. "No it couldn't be a felt too real it was real. Scarlet was there! She was there and another girl. She knew me...she...oh my God I have to make sure she's ok! She fell of a cliff! It was so high up and she−

"Shh shh shh honey, it was only a dream ok. You never left this room within the past eight hours." Satyr tried to ease his tense vibe with a smile but it didn't help much. "How about you tell me about your dream?"

After wiping his face with his bare hands he took a deep breath and looked at her. "It was so...strange you know? I mean I know that some dreams feel real most of the time but this one was different. What was even stranger was the fact that both Scarlet and I were there."

"Two chosen ones."

"I don't think it was two." He seemed to be in thought as he stared past her remembering the dream. "You said there are three chosen ones. I think that dream brought all of us together."

"Do you remember what the other one looked like?"

He exhaled and lay down on her lap. "It was a girl. She had really thick, curly black shoulder length hair. Her skin was light brown and she was almost my height. She was pretty...and she knew who I was."

She rubbed his head and smiled at him. "Would you be able to recognize her if you see her?"

"Yea I think I would. She had a unique glow."

"What else happened in the dream?"

"At first I was in a forest and as I walked further out it led me all the way into a cave." He rose up and gasped. "Hey I think that's it. That's where we need to go and strangely I know how to get there."

"That must be the sacred grounds." She said and explained further when she saw the confusion on his face. "In covens, when a large scale spell needs to be performed there's usually somewhere special and very specific the performers need to be to execute. I think the purpose of that dream was to reveal the sacred grounds to the three of you."

"Honestly, sniffing it out would have been way easier. That dream gave me angina."

"Was there anything else? Something you saw there? Anything that stood out?"

"Uh yea...on the walls of the cave there were writings. Sounded like a prophecy to me. It said something like...when the sun sun? Um...where the circle of the sun burns when the time is right...three people will join hands...all power will...light? Basically the gist."

"Where the circle of the sun burns bright?" Satyr asked slowly and looked scared.

"Yea, does that mean something to you?"

She let out a small gasp. "Can I see your phone?"

"Why do you want to−

"Give me the phone!"

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