Chapter 88

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Avalon's P.O.V

For the first time in my life I was losing a fight. We were all losing.

The man with the muddy blue eyes stared into mine as he choked me and there was something in his eyes that reflected regret. Maybe there was a part of him that was still himself. Maybe Ian Winters was still somewhere in there, struggling and fighting to surface. But for now he was one of them and I had to do something to save my life.

Just as I was about to attempt throwing him off of my body the sound of three gunshots echoed nearby, in fact, closer than nearby, and Ian stumbled off allowing me to stand up.

"That's not gonna keep him." Jessie kept the gun in his hand fully loaded and walked towards me. "Are you ok?" He pushed my messy hair back and held my face in his weary hands.

"Yea, I'm just tired of losing fights today." I sighed and placed a soft kiss on his lips which caused him to smile despite all of the bullshit around us.

"When this is all over and we make it out alive, which we will, you and I are gonna go away...far, far away from everyone and everything and spend days and days in each other's arms." He smiled and his words warmed inside of me. "We'll be happy, Snow."

"I love you Jess."

"I love you too."

"I'm not sorry." I smiled and said to him even though I didn't know why.

"What do you mean?" His forehead creased in confusion.

"I'm not sorry for this." My smile widened and I punctured his chest with the claws I had quietly emerged from my fingertips.

"Avalon, what are you−

His words were cut off and he began to cough blood and gasp for breath as my fist fitted its way fully into his rib cage and grabbed a hold of his heart.

I could hear and feel myself screaming on the inside but my actions opposed me.

"Snow, d−don't...what...what are you doing..."

"Like I said guys," Chad's voice came into hearing and again I screamed on the inside. "Mind control is something I've grown to love."

No! No, no no, NO! STOP! Come on you're stronger than this. Please just stop!

"Avalon, trying to speak yourself out of this is not going to work sweetheart." Chad smiled and his lips touched the top of my ear as he spoke. "Take it out. Take his heart out."

"Av−Av...alon don't..." His voice broke and blood flowed out of his mouth. "I−I−please..."

"Love is a weakness Jessie. It brings nothing but pain; endless pain." Chad touched my hair and nodded to me.

I screamed and cried on the inside but my hands dug deeper into the chest of the love of my life and he cried and bawled as I tore his heart all the way out of his chest.

"Good job, I'm not gonna kill you. You're gonna do that to yourself when you're back in your normal senses and realize what you've done." He kissed my face and walked off into another direction and I felt whatever mind control he spelled my head with being lifted.

My hands were dripping with the warm blood that leaked out of the limp heart in them and I choked on tears as I looked down at it.

"No, no, no! Jessie!" The pressure with which I dropped my knees to the ground almost broke them. "Jessie!" I tasted the blood in my throat as I screamed the loudest I ever did in my entire life. "Jessie I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was doing."

My entire body shook as I cried and closed his eyelids. "I love you Jessie."

I held his face with bloodied, trembling hands and soaked mine with tears that never ended. 

Change of Heart 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora