Chapter 80

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Adrian's P.O.V

"Adrian, for the last time, I'm sorry ok, I didn't mean to−

"Shut up." My tone was calm but Hawaiian volcanoes would feel like the flame of a single match compared to the fire erupting within me. It literally took all of my strength to not crash the car into a fucking tree trunk hard enough to smash all of the stupid out of her.

"I honestly did not see Cate talking to you. If I did I−

"Stop talking." Honestly, the only thing that controlled my temper just a tad was the thought of the amazing cup of alcohol infused coffee Lydia would prepare for me once we got to Stefano's. I absolutely didn't see the reason for Scarlet being with me. Oh wait! I did. She was here because I had to offer her residence in my fucking house since her fucked up foster mother kicked her out for deciding to carry my child; my child. Couldn't believe I even thought of that. I didn't want a baby. I didn't even know how fucking diapers work. Were diapers used anymore? Anyway, Jennifer insisted that I let Scarlet stick with me since I was basically the only one she felt safe around. Bullshit! Jennifer was a fucking alpha. Then there was Aiden who was an archer! Bow and arrow. Jessie and Avalon were there who could kick the asses of any breathing creature. Satyr, who was one of the most powerful witches on earth; Nick, who I still didn't like but he was a vampire for crying out loud...badass! And so much fucking more...yet, Scarlet felt safe with a guy whose life was almost taken at least forty eight fucking times within the past three months. Made perfect sense. Also, Jennifer said that since being around me made Scarlet feel safe, it'll be good for the baby. What? I thought all a fetus needed was some vitamins, food and a place to crash for nine fucking months.

It was five minutes since she tried to say anything to me so I knew that something had to be wrong or that I'd gone deaf somehow.

I looked over to her and sighed when I saw her quickly wipe her cheeks. "Scarlet."

I said her name with the least amount of anger possible but she did not acknowledge me. She better had though; the only woman I would play this stubborn game with is blond and beautiful; not that Scarlet was ugly in any way.

"Scar, come on don't cry. I didn't mean to−

"Forget it Adrian. I'm a bother to you. I'll find someplace else to go as soon as we get back."

"Like where? Huh?" I said in annoyance but realized that it was my own piggish attitude that led to this. "Scarlet, I'm sorry. You're not a bother and you're not leaving my side so cut that shit out." I still needed her safe; we all did.


"Don't." I looked at her seriously and she sighed and gave a small, but not a happy smile. "Good, I'm already frustrated as it as and I don't need any−

I paused when I had to stop my car before being able to drive into the parking lot of the coffee shop.

"What's going on here?" Scarlet asked as she peered out to the hundreds of people crowing the outside of the shop.

"You know I come here almost every day the least they can do is tell me when national free coffee day was."

"That's what this is?" She asked and unbuckled herself.

"Why else would people crowd anywhere if it isn't to get free stuff?" I laughed and stepped out of the car with her.

"Adrian I think this is more serious. There's an ambulance over there." She pointed to the other side of the shop and I held her hand and pushed my way through the crowd into the shop itself.

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