Chapter 40

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"Are you sure it's ok for us to be here?" He asked as they entered into the house.

"I said it was ok for you to be here." Aiden replied turning around to look at the group of about ten people. "They on the other hand, might be a problem."

"I'm sorry it's just...we travel together; at all times."

"That must be really convenient." said Aiden sarcastically. "Uh, help yourselves to a seat...if there's enough for all of you."

"If it's too much trouble man we could leave, it's−

"Morgan?" Nick stepped out into the living room rubbing the sleep out of his lucid grey eyes. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I should ask you the same thing." Morgan said looking just as confused as Nick. "You've been gone for days. Have you been here this whole time?"

"Uh yea. There's a lot of stuff going on. Stuff I had to deal with. Why are you guys here?"

"I met this guy in the forest." Morgan said nodding to Aiden. "You know, I was there just taking a walk, like I always do and−

"Morgan cut to the chase he knows about supernatural beings. He's a werewolf for crying out loud." Nick said folding his arms and leaning against the wall.

"He is yes I know. I just wasn't sure if he knew that."

Nick rolled his eyes.

"Anyway he invited us here since there were some things happening that we were all confused and kinda scared about." Morgan cleared his throat. "We thought that maybe we could talk about them."

"We all need to talk about the messed up shit that's going on and−

"Nick! Haven't you ever learned to make a goddamn bed in your..." I was shouting as I entered the living room but paused and moved closer to Nick. "Who are all these people?" I asked him quietly.

"Jennifer!" Someone who sat among the group of people yelled while pushing their way forward to me. I recognized his rich, cocoa brown eyes and the bright metallic smile.

"Del!" I returned the smile, hugging the intriguing boy I met once in the coffee shop. His body felt cool under my warm skin and he smelled like peppermint. "It's so nice to see you again."

"So, this is where you've been huh?" Del asked winking at Nick.

"It's not like that." Nick smiled at Del. "Not yet." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes in response.

"Not ever." I said. "Now, who are all these people?"

"These people are the members of my clan." Nick stated walking towards them.

I almost laughed. "Your clan?"


"You're the leader of something?"

"What? Am I not capable of being a leader?" He smirked. "Don't answer that."

"So, are they all vampires?"

"Nope; only four are, myself excluded, Del included." He explained. "I don't believe in having an army made up of the same soldiers. I believe variation is the key to survival and identical beings are useless simply because, if your enemy finds the weakness of one, they find the weakness of all."

"So Morgan, what are you?" Aiden asked.

"I'm one of the vampires along with Stacy and Melanie." Morgan gestured to two girls in the group; Stacy, a tall brown skinned brunette with dark brown eyes. Her hair was needle straight and stopped midway down her back. Her façade was serious but lightened up when Garrett walked into the room. Melanie was nearly a foot shorter than Stacy. Her platinum blond hair was straight as well but was grazed low at the back and long at the front just below her chin. There were several piercings going up her ears and one on her right eyebrow and the tattoos on her skin gave off a tense vibe, however when she smiled, the small gap between her two front teeth made her look quite cute.

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