Chapter 61

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Fresno California offered some forested areas which would have been good for hiding however he didn't want them murdering hundreds of hikers and lumberjacks every week, though he really did not care for them. He arrived at the Rockaine gold mine which had been abandoned for over one hundred years and this provided the best hideout for them as no one ever casually takes a stroll in an old, dusty mine. It was approaching eight in the night which meant that darkness was falling and he was thankful.

Thanks to Jake, one of his members who were fond of electrical engineering, the basket like elevator did the job of taking them down below into the mines and there was a small supply of electricity down below.

"Boss," Eli, the man he placed in charge of the rest addressed him as he arrived down below.

"Eli, good to see you. Tell me, what's our count now?"

"Two hundred exact boss, myself included." Eli stood straight and respectful as he reported. "If you like I can arrange for more."

"No, no that's fine. That's a strong army. Good job Eli." He held his hands behind his back as he walked, signaling Eli to walk alongside. "It's almost time. I will initiate the battle soon. Jennifer and that pack needs to be taken down as soon as possible."

"What about Adrian? Is he dead? You killed him?"

"Adrian is taken care of. They will not stop us with some foolish prophecy."

"Are you sure? I mean you killed him yourself right? You saw that he was dead?" Eli questioned.

"The witch took care of it for me, Eli, don't worry."

"Does anyone suspect you at all?"

He laughed and looked at Eli with an obvious stare. "Absolutely not. I am quite good at what I do."

"I have no doubts about that boss, it's're a part of their group. I still think that you should have been more covert."

"That's how you win their trust Eli. You act like you're helping them, like you care about them, like you have the same vision. You even act like you're absolutely in love sometimes...but that's all in the act. That's the way you learn their strengths and their weaknesses. But most importantly Eli, that's the way you make deception and betrayal hit them so fucking hard that they're unable to recover and that's when we hit."

"So you're gonna reveal yourself before we fight?"

"I am...let's see them struggle to cope and come up with futile plans to defeat us while we're sitting, waiting to snatch life away from them all." He smiled a wicked, gruesome smile.

"Well I hope that your plan works. I hope you don't get attacked when they find out. You'll be on your own when you reveal the truth, they can try to kill you or hurt you. Would you like me to organize backup?"

"No need for that, Eli. Have you forgotten about her?"

"Is she strong enough to h−

"She is very strong. Do not doubt her abilities. It was her who took down the victim that night. Last Thursday remember?"

"There were two murders that night, the one at the Lussuria nightclub and another with a boy. It was her? Which one did she do?"

"Does it matter? Look she has my back. She loves me remember?"

"She does." Eli smiled.

"Great, so I would like you to continue training our army. We need them at their very best. I need to get back now. I trust that you'll have everything under control?"

"You got it boss." Eli gave a small salute and watched his boss make his way back to the elevator.

"Oh, Eli before I go," He turned around and dug something out of his pocket. "Got a light?"

"Uh yes," He took a lighter out and lit the cigarette. "You really should quit."

He smiled and blew smoke out into the air above them before making his way back to the exit. 

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