Chapter 91

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Aiden's P.O.V

"I am so sorry that I stabbed you Aiden I−

"It's ok Jaz, you didn't know what you were doing." I spoke to her but my attention was not on her and hers was elsewhere as well as we both battled the weakened but still very strong soldiers of Chad's army. I was all out of arrows so I had to utilize the fighting skills I learnt a long time ago from Jessie.


Part of me fought to keep myself and the rest of the pack safe but the other part was fighting for him.

"We're outnumbered by a lot Aiden." Jasmine shouted over to me as she struggled to keep her hold around one of their necks with both her legs. I admired her enthusiasm to help seeing that she never fought physically in her entire life.

"We can't let them win Jasmine." After decapitating two of them with just my bare claws, I ran across to her and dug my hands into the man's chest and ripped his heart out. "We got this far." With a sigh I helped her up and wiped my hands off on my T shirt.

No more attackers were coming our way at the moment but I looked at the scene in front of us and Jasmine was right. We were outnumbered greatly and the members of my pack and her clan were hanging by a very thin thread.

"I'm gonna go gather any ammo I can find and..."

"And what?" Her voice echoed throughout my head. "Aiden?"

I saw her. Couple yards away. She was far away from me yet so close all at once. Her bronze curly hair bounced and blew as she reloaded her gun and fired after those trying to attack her and anyone else. She was so ravishing among the chaos and all I wanted to do was grab her in my arms and−

"Aiden watch out!" Jasmine's voice pierced through me head but I couldn't act fast enough. In a flash she grabbed a hold of the guy who was inches away from my chest with a blade and smashed his face into a boulder. "What is the matter with you?"

"I'm sorry I−I'll be right back."

"Aiden? Aiden!"

Ignoring Jasmine I ran across the field straight in her direction and I didn't stop until I almost knocked her over which triggered her reflexes and made her knock me straight on my ass.

"Ember stop! Don't shoot it's me Aiden!"

"Aiden?" She smiled and touched my face and I sat up and held hers in my hands.

" have no idea how happy I am to see you. Where were you? You just left me and I was so worried and−

"I'm sorry Aiden but I had no choice. If I didn't leave my father−

"I don't care why you left. You're here now." I smiled and placed my forehead on hers.

"I missed you so much. I wanted to call you so many times. I wanted to come see you."

"Then why didn't you?" I held her face to mine and looked her in the eyes.

"I did...and..." She sighed and stood up.

"What? What's wrong?" I got up and held her body, pulling her as close as possible to me.

"I saw you in the woods..." She looked up at me and her eyes were filled with water and I realized what caused them.

"You saw me with Jasmine."


From the moment my eyes caught a glimpse of Ember I completely forgot that Jasmine and I shared something; that we were still sharing something. I can't just leave her'll break her. But Ember...

"Ember I−

"It's ok Aiden. I mean it's only natural for you so move on. I couldn't have expected you to just wait for me or−

"I did Ember. I waited and waited and I tried so hard to look for you."

"And that's really sweet Aiden but I can't help what happened...we can't. She seems like a really nice girl and you're a nice guy. I can't get in the middle of that."

"Ember please just−

"I am always gonna be here for you Aiden." She smiled and placed her hands on my chest and I never wanted them to be removed. "I know I told you that it's not my job to protect you anymore but it is. I will never stop protecting you no matter what."

"Ember I love−

"Don't..." She exhaled and moved her hands. "Don't make this harder than it already is."


"I have to go." She smiled a little but I could tell it wasn't a happy smile.

I sighed and watched as she ran off onto the field to fight again. 

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