Chapter 68

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"Ok, so now you're gonna use three fingers to gently hold the arrow to the string." He smiled and waited for her nod in approval. "Good so we're gonna use the index finger just above the arrow here, and then we take your middle and ring finger and place them below."

"Like this?"

"Yes that's perfect actually." His lips touched the very top of her ear as he spoke. "This is called the split finger or Mediterranean draw; it's one of the most common positions."

"See now this is why I chose you, Aiden. You're an expert. You're like the Noah Foster of archery."


"Oh you know Noah Foster from of horror. You're him but instead of a blade and a mask it's a bow and an arrow."

He laughed and shook his head and ran his gloved hands through his damp bronze hair that looked golden in the sunlight. "I actually haven't seen that yet but maybe we can watch it sometime."

"I'd like that." Her dim green eyes met his and she smiled shyly. "So now I shoot?"

"What? Oh yea the arrow." He held her hands lightly and drew it back. "Now remember...focus on your target...aim precisely and...shoot."

The broad head arrow flew through the air in a perfect line and pierced the glass bottle straight in the middle causing it to shatter off of the log.

"Oh my God! Yes! Oh my God Aiden you're awesome!" Jasmine jumped and dropped the bow wrapping her arms tightly around him.

He stumbled from the surprise embrace and hugged her back. He remembered what shooting his first arrow felt like even though it was years ago. "Good job Jaz but one thing...never drop your weapon. You get killed that way."

"Oh yea I know I was just excited I'm sorry." She smiled and grabbed the bow. "Can we go again?"

"Sure but in a few. That was a lot of work don't you think?" He raised an eyebrow and took the bow. The weather was nice and he enjoyed the morning sun. In the recent light of all of the events taking place from possessions to mass murders he barely had time to hike and enjoy the woods like he did once. Taking advantage of his time outdoors he sat in the grass under a large tree next to a small stream in the middle of the woods. He also remembered that this was the tree where he found Ember's farewell note under.

"Are you ok?" Jasmine's face was worried and she took a seat next to him.

"Uh yea I'm ok, sorry." He smiled and scooted closer to her. "So tell me...why do you wanna learn to shoot an arrow? Aren't you like some incredible supernatural?"

"A banshee...the wailing woman to be exact." She rested her chin on her knees and uprooted the grass by her feet.

"So you scream?"

"Yes, in times of danger I am able to produce a wail so loud that it can be heard miles away. It sorta acts like a beacon for other supernaturals."

"That is really incredible."

"Mhm, not only that but," She rose up and looked at him. "I am able to tell when someone is about to die...even though it's not so accurate all the time I'm mostly right."

"That must be hard sometimes I mean especially if it's someone you know or you're close with. But other than that being a banshee seems pretty cool...why do you sound as though you don't like it?"

"I like it I really do but sometimes I feel a bit useless you know? I feel like all I am is a warning. I wanna be able to help in the real fight."

"I understand that, I mean it's not so nice out there fighting and getting all bloody but I can't imagine not doing anything at all. I'm not saying you don't do anything it's just that I−

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