Her Name Is Mia. (Chapter 1)

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'His heart didn't give him a choice; from the start it knew she was the one. ~ Anonymous'

MAY 17TH 2016...

(Mia's P.O.V.)

I stood in the dance room staring at my reflection as I played Jordan Fisher's 'All About Us' on my phone my new song obsession, anticipating it as my heart rate picked up and I started moving across the floor to the beat, my heart and soul completely engulfed in the music. I gave myself a smile in the mirror as I picked up my pace along with the song- my long blonde hair of curls framing my face, and as I twirled in my short strapless blue, white floral dress flowing out beautifully around me.

(Jordan's P.O.V.)

I sighed, bored of the business talk going on, although the dance studio was nice- I had a lot on my mind, a big tour ahead, the play I was just cast in, 'Hamilton', and more music that needed to be recorded and not mention writing for the album, but instead I was here trying to find a dance studio, in New York City, for the short amount of time I would be working down here.

My manager, Frank continued to talk with the owner, David Marks as we walked, and I looked over to see the most beautiful girl dancing. I stopped to watch her as she twirled, she was made to dance, anyone could see that.


"Who is she?" Was my only response, not acknowledging my manager, still watching her dance.

"Her name is Mia. She's been a dancer here for years." David answered my question, before going back to talking with Frank.

"Jordan, they're waiting." Frank sighed, I knew he was frustrated, being my manger and all- but I didn't care. He finally came over and started to pull my arm, I sighed and agreed following him, but I couldn't help but look back to see her still dancing her heart out, she was beautiful- but who was she? I hardly listened as my manger talked all through the meeting- I just couldn't stop thinking about her.

"So, Jordan do you wanna go take a look around- see what you think for yourself? We can meet you for lunch in about an hour?" Frank suggested- finally, an idea I liked, I nodded agreeing and left the meeting, off to find her, Mia. I quickly headed to the dance room she'd been in previously but found it was empty so I sighed and continued walking, deciding I would check out their theater I enter through the doors hearing my song being played over the loud speakers and I smiled as I saw her dancing figure across the stage- a single spotlight on her. She was a beautiful vision in blue.

"There you are." I smiled to myself and I glanced around for a moment, surprisingly, it was vacant, I walked towards her slowly watching her closely- I grinned, I couldn't believe it- she spun around moving across the stage beautifully.

"Wow... you really are something." I bit my bottom lip folding my arms, 'You truly are a phenomenal dancer Mia.' I was amazed by her.

Suddenly she stopped abruptly as a guy yelled out after her, "Mia! We've got to go!" She didn't hesitate to quickly grab her things and head for the door- I tried my best to run after her but sighed in defeat when I had gotten outside only to see she had already disappeared, I had to find her, and soon.

"Jordan, what are you doing out here?" I turned finding my manger and David there, I rolled my eyes and turned to face him, "Sorry, got distracted- anyway, David, do you think we could talk about some possible candidates for my dance partner here?" I asked ignoring my manager as we came back inside stopping at the front desk for a moment.

"Sure, did you have anybody in mind?"

"Yes actually. Is there anyway you could convince Mia to audition?"

"Jordan are you sure about this?" Frank butted in- and I gave him a stiff smile, he'd only been my manager for a short while and I just couldn't handle him for very much longer.

"Yes, because I know she'd be perfect."

"Well, so do I." David quickly agreed a genuine smile lighting up his face.

"Great." I smiled as I placed a hand on his back starting to guide him to his office, "Then let's chat about it a little..."

(Mia's P.O.V.)

"Thanks again Jeremy." I sighed in relief as he pulled onto campus.

"No problem but you almost made us late."

"Sorry, I just couldn't stop." I smiled at the thought, dancing was a big passion of mine.

"I could tell. Go get to class- I'll see you later." We came to a stop as he let me out and I hurried inside to my writing class my book bag strapped on me.


"Wait so do you have any homework for writing?" My roommate, Paige asked as we sat in my room studying together.

"Not much- but believe me, I know it's coming, he's just letting us off until we reach that point where it's time for our major story test writings everyone says he does." I shrugged it off as my phone went off.

"Who is it?"

"David Marks- hm, I better take this." She nodded and I left the room as I answered it.

"Hey David, what's this about?"

"Hello Mia, I take it you've heard about the major celebrity joining here?"

"Um, yeah, who hasn't?"

"That's what I thought." He chuckled slightly as I frowned.

"What's this about exactly?"

"He wants you to audition."

I nearly choked- "Wait, what? Are you serious?" I couldn't help the grin that stretched across my face.

"Yes Mia, he wants you." He chuckled again as I heard the smile in his voice before asking, "Can you be here June 1st at 1 o'clock to audition?"

"I'll be there! Wait- who is it?"

"Jordan Fisher. Goodbye Mia." That's when the line went dead and the squeals left my mouth. How in the world had this happened to me?

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