chapter 12 : mr arrogant

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It was four and Martha was sitting next to me in the t.v room where some movie that I don't remember was playing.

I couldn't blame her to notice that because I zoomed out uncountable times today.

Could you really blame me

I was having doubts about my so called and it was starting to annoy the living life out of me.

He wouldn't do that to me.


I knew old habits never die but it was worth risking.

I wanted to say yes when he proposed because it felt right.

My subconscious wouldn't have betrayed me right

"You are exaggerating and I know that you have someone Martha" I said fully turning looking at her.

He cheeks were flushed pink along with her ears.

"The movie is getting at the best part let watch it" she said turning away from me.

"Spill" I said sternly that it made her narrow her eyes at me.

I raised my hands up showing her to chill.

"It is the bartender that flirted with you that day" she said looking down with a smile.

Oh my gosh.

"Really? Did you sleep with him" I asked her with a smirk.

Ofcourse she did.

"Yes and I am still" she said her whole face turning pink.


"Seriously and he doesn't sleep with other girls because from what I observed I feel like you know" I said looking at her making her understand that I didn't really trust him.

"We are not in a relationship samah I just keep feeling an attraction to him and Everytime I tell myself to stop he pulls me to it" she said running a hand in her hair which was now growing because it was now pass her shoulders​ going to her mid back.

"He is sweet and has that piercing on his lip that makes me attracted to him and Everytime he talks I feel butterflies samah.
I dont want a relationship but he doesn't seem to let me go even one day I told him that we should stop" she said sighing loudly

She was going to cry really soon

"When I told him that we should stop he used his magic and Bam we were already in his bed and he kept asking if we should stop but all I kept answering was a no" she said shouting.

She was angry now.

"Can you believe me samah can you believe it.
He doesn't want a relationship with me.
I am only good for sex samah.
I feel like trash.
Can you believe that even after how I feel I still don't want to stop.
The way he doesn't want to let me go is the way I don't want him to let me go also.

I am stupid samah." she said as tears streamed down from her beautiful eyes.

She didn't deserve to cry.

She was just trying to be stronger than her feelings.

They would break her and leave her defenseless just like what happened to me.

It would leave her in the dark.

He was the one to save her and whatever he was saying was pushing her deeper in the hole that they both dug.

When Abelardo forced himself into me I spent a three weeks in room and all that I received were comforting and smoothing words from Martha and her mother in the morning and almost five when she was going home.

Mr Arrogant Jerk Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin