Nathan's finished his sets of pushups as Leon is just breaking a sweat with the punching bag. Both are focused and in the zone. Tension is thick in the air around them as they lose themselves to their thoughts. Their anger and frustrations fuel them to push themselves harder, to move faster and more precise. And finally, when they finished their warmups and are physically exhausted, they lose themselves to their wolves.

The beasts ferociously attack each other in the wide space. Loud growls and snarls scream in the space, reverberating through the ceiling and to the main prison building where Colt straightens up at the sound. The beta and alpha forces before always made him a little jumpy but now, with a kappa force added, it makes Colt tense and his eyes focus on the door, planning an escape should anything go wrong.

In the basement, Nathan's wolf has pushed itself forward, ripping into the matts with ease as it hurls itself at Leon's beast. The beta quickly defends himself and the two come together in a harsh battle of teeth and claws until their power drains and their frustrations and anger have settled down. Nathan and Leon shift back and the sound of their pants fill the room.

Leon pants heavily, lying flat on his back. "Is Audrey still not talking to you?"

Nathan lets out a low growl, his inner wolf attempting to break free again. Just the mere thought of Audrey ignoring him raises his anger to its maximum limit. "No."

Leon lets out a sigh. "She's been really snappy lately."

"Fucking woman." Nathan tells him. "I'm this close to killing her myself."

His beta lets out a little chuckle and then pushes himself up. He moves to the side where extra clothes lay around for times like this and throws a pair of shorts to Nathan. "Damn, Nathan! Did you really have to scratch my back like that?"

Nathan looks up after slipping into the bottoms and notices a long, bloody scratch across Leon's back. It's slowly healing but from the looks of it, it's deep and it's going to take a little longer. Smirking, Nathan stretches his shoulders out. "You should work on your defense."

Leon growls at him, before muttering off into curses. "Karmen's never going to let this go."

"You're still with Karmen?" Nathan blinks in surprise.

"Yeah, I am." Leon snaps at him while trying to stretch and look closely at the wound. It only amuses Nathan. "Fuck, do you know how easily she worries? She's going to be banging pots and pans all night long!"

Nathan shrugs. "Not my problem."

"No, you just have a mate that won't talk to you."

Nathan snarls at him, his inner beast joining him and Leon smirks back wickedly. Nathan knows that look and it only makes him growl lowly in warning. "What is it?"

"Remember when you first found Audrey? I mean, when you first found out she was your mate? Remember how much she pissed you off back then? She'd annoy you and fight back just to get on your nerves?"

Nathan nods his head, waiting to hear where Leon is going with this.

"What if she's just doing it again? What if she's just messing with you to get under your skin?" Leon grins. "I wouldn't hold it past her. She can be a good actress. Hell, she freaks out Blaze and Jasper every time they're near her - or at least Blaze."

"You think she's doing this on purpose to piss me off."

Leon shrugs. "Have you done anything to piss her off? Plus, even when you do piss her off, she can never stay as mad for as long as she has."

Nathan lets out another low growl after thinking over it. It makes perfect sense. He hasn't done anything to piss her off. He's showered her with affection. He's looked after her and protects her. He supports her. He even tries to go to bed on time just to be able to spend some time with her though it hasn't seem like she's wanted it lately. He hasn't done anything that needs an apology. He hasn't done anything that causes reason for blocking him out of her mind. Normally, that door is always opened, even when she's mad at him. But this is different. This is exactly how it was when he first found her as his mate.

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