"Audrey? What's wrong?" Millis asks her, glancing over her.

"I feel sick." Audrey strains to say. It's hard to get clean oxygen in her system. She breathes through her nose but the stench is still there, like a stain permanently marked to plague her. She opens her mouth instead but now she can taste it. It's like mozzarella cheese only different, stronger and more bitter. It makes her heave.

"Whoa! Bucket! Get a bucket omega!" Millis orders loudly in Audrey's ears but she pays no attention. She tries to breath, tries to stop her stomach from twisting and turning in a very unpleasing manner. But the moment the plastic blue container is put in front of her, Audrey releases everything and a horrid, acidic taste fills her mouth.

Once she's finished spewing out everything her stomach has to offer, Audrey shoves the bucket aside and leans against some of the cabinets. Karmen appears then, offering her a glass of water. She takes it with shaky hands, trying hard to keep steady.

"Okay, I disposed of the bucket." Millis says, looking disgusted but trying to remain strong. She's plugging her nose and waving her hand in front of her face, trying to get rid of Audrey's puke stench.

"Are you okay?" Karmen asks her softly, rubbing her back. "Did something you eat bother you?"

"No, it was a smell." Audrey told her through a groan. "There's something horrible in the fridge. When was the last time you cleaned it out?"

Karmen frowns at her and heads for the fridge herself. "I just cleaned it out."

The omega opens up the door and sniffs around. She starts to shuffle through things, flipping packages over to check their dates, double checking leftover containers. Nothing catches her attention and she shakes her head at Millis. The stronger wolf stands next to her, taking a big whiff of the fridge herself with puzzling results.

"I don't smell anything but good food, Audrey. Are you sure you smelled something from the fridge?"

"Yes, I'm sure!" Audrey snaps through a covered mouth. "It was bitter and strong and horrid. Just please, close the damn door!"

Shocked, Karmen quickly closes the door and kneels in front of the Iota with concern. Audrey breaths deeply, trying to calm herself down but there's too much internal conflict. Half of her is enraged for no reason and she has the sudden urge to tear Karmen's kitchen apart to release some steam. The other half is feeling sick and miserable and exhausted and she just wants to roll over, close herself off into a ball and sleep. She's not sure what she wants to do.

"Um, Audrey?" Karmen brushes her hair away from her face, looking at her cautiously. Instead of answering, Audrey just stares at her and she feels like crying. "...Is it your period? Do you need some medicine?"

Finally, letting exhaustion consume her, Audrey breaks down. "I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on."

"So it's not your period?" Millis questions. "Are you sure? Because Leon told me you've been kind of moody all day."

Letting a low, uncharacteristic growl escape her, Audrey shakes her head. "I'm positive. It's too early."

"It's probably just an off day then." Millis sighs, bending low to help Audrey stand. "How about you go upstairs for a nap? I'll wake you if anything happens."

Audrey, letting Millis hold her steady, nods her head and together, the three walks up to the third floor. Karmen waits outside, not having proper permission to enter the Alpha's room while Millis helps Audrey settle into bed. The scent of Nathan helps sooth her emotions and Audrey starts to feel a little better. Her senses soak in the combination of campfire smoke and freshly cut grass and her whole body relaxes into the mattress.

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