"Simon, what are you thinking? You've never blocked me out before. I don't like it."

He releases a sigh, taking her face in his hands and leaning forward until their foreheads touch. She breathes him in, admiring the long lashes of his closed eyes as his thumbs trace her jaw. She can't recall Simon ever being this docile towards her. This sweetness is uncharacteristic. He's always joking and pissing her off. The few times he is sweet is because she unwillingly admits something but he's never brought it without her initiating him to. It's nice and at the same time, heart-wrenching because she never knows what he's thinking.

"You know I'm protective of you, right? You know how much you mean to me?" He starts off and Millis feels a warmth spread through her from her chest at his confession. He doesn't wait for her to answer him though. "You know it's more than just love right? If anything happened to you..."

She blinks, slowly understanding what is wrong. "Simon, nothing is going to happen to me."

"But it did, Millis!" He straightens up, glaring back down at her. "You got hurt and you were lucky but if anything had happened-"

"Nothing is going to happen. That was a one time thing - a mistake that won't happen again." She stands up and reaches out to him before he pulled away. "Simon, I like my job as the Iota's guard and I know the risks. You know the risks when you go out and fight for her too. You risk your life just as much as I do."

"That's not the same thing!" He argues and she lets out a growl.

"Yes, it is!" Her wolf joins her in her growl and it makes her voice sound a little deeper than usual. "What, do you think that you're the only one who'd be affected? You think I'd be okay if something happened to you?"

"That's not the point!"

"Yes, it is!" Millis lets out a frustrated noise, momentarily looking away from him. "For Fenrir's sake, Simon. You're being such a girl."

Simon doesn't answer her and she can't hear him panting on the other side of the room. She assumes he's pacing again too, attempting to calm himself and his wolf down but she can't be bothered to help him when he's pissing her off. He is acting like a girl. He's worrying far too much for just a scratch. Yeah, it hurt like hell and yeah, it could've been a lot worse but it wasn't. She's pretty much healed up and ready to go but her mate is being a little bitch about it.

She can understand where he's coming from. If he was hurt, she'd be all over him too. But she wouldn't expect him to stop doing what he does. He's too stubborn for that and there's too much at stake. Until things get more peaceful, they will always have to fight and there is always that risk that comes with it. And she won't just sit on the side lines like a good little girl might when there's something she can do.

Shoving down her frustration, Millis climbs back into bed, deciding to let her mate get everything out on his own and catch up on some much needed sleep. There is still a lot to do and Audrey still needs protection. Right now, she has Nathan but who knows when he'll be called for duty next.

When Millis wakes up hours later, she sees its nearing six in the morning and Simon is nowhere to be found. She figured he went to get a good work out in as he always does in the morning and doesn't bother to try and contact him. Instead, she showers, dresses and then heads down stairs. Karmen is already at work in the kitchen and the smell of freshly made biscuits beckons her there.

"Good morning." Karmen greets her quietly, stirring a white sausage gravy on the stove. Leon, the new lover boy of the pack, sits on the counter close by, glancing at a few maps that Millis is sure Karmen's drawn up. "Coffee?"

Millis nods, not accustomed to being in the kitchen. She normally just waits at the counter connected to the living room like everyone else or meets food in the dining room where the omega serves meals. The kitchen is a weird place that she honestly forgot exists. She's always realized it's there to but to actually be in it is strange.

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