Frankie, how are patrols?

Millis checks in with her cousin, listening again as another group of border patrols pass by. She's lost track of Simon. He hasn't reported in since central-east side has been attacked. She's not sure what his current location is but she can faintly hear that he's extremely busy. But alive and alive is always better than dead.

Boring as fuck. The barricade up north has some action though. It seems there are more rogues up there than we thought.

What side?

Millis sits up, her wolf more alert as she listens in on the reports that are constantly flowing in. There's been a hold up at east side where Nathan is at along with a few other capable groups. The reports are explaining that all alpha rogue parties have finally caught on and are on the offense. The rest of Wolf Country is currently on defense as they try to make their way through.

Fuck! Five more rogue parties central east side!

They're up on the central west side, coming in hard according to Alpha Reynolds, an alpha from the central-east side. She can hear that Leon and Alpha Laurens are closing in but she still has no idea where Simon is or if he's doing another solo mission.

They're coming in strong on the western side and there's a small group attacking from the east. It looks like they're trying to divide up the blockade and infiltrate. Be on guard. If they break through, I guarantee they're looking for Luna.

Millis lets out a low growl at her cousin's warning and spreads the word to Carter, Lance and Eric. Each of them are spread out around building four and Colt is at the head of them, by building one, watching for any sign of on an attack. Millis knows he listened in to the reports and probably realizes that they'll have to pass him to reach Audrey. Pass him is Carter who is only about forty feet from Millis's position and far to her left, there's Lance about seventy feet away. Eric is covering the back, nearly ninety feet away from Millis and thirty from Lance. Audrey and Karmen are locked away in the building in the center but if the Iota guard hides well enough, no one would know that building four is surrounded. And they are all prepared to handle the oncoming front full of rogue bastards.

Colt, you hid the keys right?

Through the link, Millis can hear the wolf scoff at her.

I know how to do my job.

She rolls her eyes. There's a reason Colt stayed with the prisons. He doesn't work well with others - even more so than her - and he absolutely hates when someone checks to make sure he's done something.

Dude, don't be such an ass.

Fuck off, Lance.

Oh, did you hear that, Frankie?

Millis lets out an annoyed growl but Lance continues.

Prison boy told me to fuck off.

Lance! Quit messing around! Stop trying to find amusement and focus on your surroundings!

Millis lets out an annoyed puff and leans low to the floor, careful to not come out of her hiding position. Another round of patrols come shooting by and Millis listens in as the reports worsen.

All alpha parties! Full frontal assault! North side!

Central-west clearing up! Central east: rogues on the run!

Don't follow them! It's a trap! Stay central-eastern!

Millis wonders what Nathan encountered for him to say something like that. Even if there is a trap, the Moore wolves are trained to handle sticky situations. Falling into a trap wouldn't mean a thing when it's war. They'd still fight on until their death, uncaring and unfazed.

Millis, Nathan just ordered the blockade to withdraw and let the rogues in!

Unbelievable! Nathan wouldn't give out an order like that. He'd die before he willingly let some rogue scum cross over onto Moore territory!

What is going on?

Her cousin sounds busy and the rest of the pack up north sounds the same. Panicking, Millis orders the guard to stay low and be sharp as rogues slowly pour into the Moore territory.

Millis, we're going to trap them in. Evacuate for now - keep Audrey in the prisons locked and secure - and when we can, we're going to surround them. Alpha's orders.

Millis curses and passes along the orders. Coming out of the bushes, Millis sends a message to Karmen, warning her, and along with Colt, Carter, Lance and Eric, heads south to meet up with the rest. Beating her paws against the earth, Millis nearly runs into her cousin on the way and together they try and figure out what the plan is.

Nathan wants us to give them some confidence and let them in. Once we meet up with some extra back up, we're supposed to go back round and trap them on our land. Think you can handle it?

Millis's wolf lets out a snort.

Think you can keep up?

Racing towards the southern border, Millis hears Karmen panicking. Audrey isn't doing too well and the thought that at any moment, rogues could be at their door makes Millis run harder. She passes through the cliffs and onto flat land near the Sullivan territory. In the distance, she can hear the sound of several wolves following them. Their stench carries down wind and it makes Millis gag. She's not used to rogue scent and the thought of being any closer to them makes her want to hurl. Her stomach lurches as it agrees but she swallows it down and focuses on her task.

Giving a sideways look at her cousin, Millis veers off left with a group of refreshed and ready-to-go Moore wolves while Frankie goes right with another group and following the borders, both make their way back north, surrounding the rogues and trapping them in. A few try to stop her. Some run into her and an alpha rogue attempts to chase her. But none of them know who she's been training with and she's more prepared for their attacks than ever before. Avoiding their frontal assaults while blocking out their scents, Millis uses her momentum to rip into her victims and leave them behind to bleed out, focusing on closing the trap's door by meeting up with Frankie. Minutes pass but it feels like seconds. Her legs are burning. Her muscles are cramping and her chest heaves for fresh oxygen. Her paws rip into the earth, kicking up dirt and rocks behind her. The wind is harsh against her face but her wolf features help minimize it and she keeps going. Her heart is pounding in her ears but she can hear the distant cries of rogue scum trying to rip apart her pack and track down the Iota's scent.

R must be here somewhere.

Millis passes Frankie and the two of them stop, looking at each other's wolves as they catch their breath.

Ready to close in on them?

Millis feels the pack's unified response and she lowers herself to the ground, ready to launch forward into what she's sure is going to be a bloody mess.

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