"No," Ralph sighs, arguing against Nathan's hopes. "She probably knew she wouldn't have made it out without a severe wound or being captured and killed completely. But she didn't care. It's just her nature to stick her nose into danger."

Nathan chokes down the anger he has with his mate. Audrey is smart enough to never underestimate someone and despite what he wants to believe, he knows that she deliberately put herself at risk, knowing that the chances of making it out were slim to none and it pisses him off. There's a reason he didn't want her to fight. Not only is losing her a major risk to him but to Wolf Country but she's reckless in her own way. She's too selfless and the moment someone else distracts her, she will put herself in harm's way. He makes a mental note to add more wolves to her personal guard.

The border patrols alert him of another guest and he lets out a snarl. Ralph and Carter eye him and his pacing picks up with anxiety. Of course, those two couldn't keep away. While it annoys him, he's also glad that she has so many people willing to protect and die for her. And kick his ass for messing up.

"Who is it?" Carter frowns, not recognizing the names.

"Blaze and Jasper, Audrey's...brothers. Her mentors." Nathan scowls while Ralph snorts.

"They're going to kill you." The royal smirks, watching as Nathan eagerly flickers his gaze at all entries. "Carter, you better tell Audrey's guards to stay as far away from here as possible unless they want to die a very slow and painful and possibly experimental death."

Roman and Gavin come in at that moment, dragging two unconscious ex-Crowe wolf pups with them. Barely teenagers, the wolves are limp and both of their elders can carry them with one hand without a problem. Roman throws the pup in his hand inelegantly in front of him. The pup stirs awake, letting out a groan and a string of curse words. Gavin sets his down gently and then nudges him awake with his foot. He sits up straight away, gasping in shock and taking in his surroundings slowly. His eyes lock on Nathan's and the Kappa sees his skin paling with realization. The pup's wolf, he sees, is growling at his human partner while bowing low to Nathan's mere presence. The other wolf looks around, taking in Gavin and Roman slowly. His eyes find Ralph and he crawls back instantly until he runs into Nathan's legs. He freezes as Nathan drops his Kappa force over him and he slowly looks up to meet his eyes. Instantly, his friend pulls on his leg as he starts to hyperventilate, dragging him away from the Kappa and in the center of the group that now surrounds them.

"Names?" Nathan asks calmly, sounding as if he was making casual conversation. His expression tells a different story entirely.

"J-J-Jessie, s-sire." The first pup stutters out, shaking but keeping eye contact. Nathan is amused by it and lets his Kappa force out a little stronger. Instantly, the wolf bows his head, whimpering. He's barely an omega in Nathan's eyes even though in a normal pack, he'd rank a regular warrior.

Nathan looks to the other who is so shocked, he hasn't moved since saving his friend. "Eric, Kappa."

"Do you know why you're here?" Nathan watches as the two shake and try to keep their cool. Eric, the older one but still young enough to be considered a pup, manages to maintain control much better than Jessie.

"...We messed up."

"Fuck messing up!" Nathan shouts, making both of the pups flinch. "You both failed your pack! You failed your Alpha and your Luna! You failed your Iota! And you royally pissed off your Kappa!"

Ralph chuckles from his side loudly, ignoring the bewildered looks he gets from Carter and the pups. Roman joins in a moment later although his is more subtle, hidden behind his hand. Nathan ignores them both and continues.

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