
Leon's secluded Nathan and they're both talking in hushed whispers now. Millis starts to return and Audrey, pretending she hasn't noticed anything, returns to the movie. Her brother's never been much of a talker but she thought she might not get him to shut up when she contacted him after all this time.

Yeah, oh. That's nice of you.

Millis hands her a soda can and falls lazily next to her with a smile. She says something about the movie and Audrey laughs but she doesn't pay much attention. She can't help but roll her eyes at her brother. She can hear him smirking.

Luke's been here. Have you seen him? I think he's planning something.

Audrey's eyes catches Nathan and her heart races. Panic sets in as his lips form a set, straight line and his dark eyes are starting intently at her. She wonders if he's noticed. Can he see her eyes glazing over from this far? Of course. He's an alpha.

Bringing back the monarchy? I know.

She looks away from him, earning an elbowing Millis. With a hard small smile, she turns back to the movie, pretending to be seriously interested while holding back her anger. 

Why does Ralph know Luke's intentions when she had to find out from Nathan? Shouldn't she be one of the first people to hear about this? She can't fathom how Luke even plans on bringing it back. The noble families are scrambled or have died out. Jenna's own existence has been forgotten and every other pack is already assembling their best, hoping for one of their own to rule the throne. No one would be willing to accept that the monarchy has returned and even if they did, that would bring back the war. No one knows the truth and if they do, they don't believe it. There isn't anyone living who can prove the monarch's innocence either. It would only cause more bloodshed than anything else.

Why hasn't anyone told me?

She takes a long sip from her soda, crossing her legs and shaking her foot irritably. She can feel Millis's eyes on her and the scent of campfire smoke and freshly cut grass is slowly growing stronger and she knows Nathan is making his way towards her.

Because we all know you. Listen, I can't focus right now. I'm currently training.

She takes another long sip, attempting to keep calm and act like nothing is happening. But Ralph's irritating voice echoes in her head and she can't let go of his words so easily.

Training? For what?

Fear grips her and she wonders if the Sullivans have entered into yet another war. She knows Nathan isn't their enemy this time but with how he's been acting this morning, she isn't sure if he's out of it completely either. Is the treaty not being set properly? 

Don't worry about it. Take care of yourself and let me know if anything happens.

He blocks her out and she's furious. Gripping her soda, she tries her best to focus as one of the characters from the movie is swallowed whole by a gigantic, poorly animated crocodile. A scream that she's heard in so many other action movies shouts out as chaos happens and she feels herself sink to the side. She glances up and blinks. Nathan's taken Millis's spot.

His dark pools with gold specks stare intensely at her and his hand reaches out, gripping her knee. She stops her shaking foot and blinks up at him, burning sensations erupting from his touch. With his other hand, he reaches over and grabs her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"What?" She asks, blinking. She can hear his wolf grumble something under his breath, something he doesn't want her to hear and she frowns. His wolf's never shut her out before. Nathan growls, his grip on her chin tightening by a hair. She pulls away, brushing his hand off and ignoring the burning imprint his touch has left.

Crowned Wolf (Original)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now