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Laying in bed, I was awoken by the sound of Jeff's heavy footsteps sounding from the front door.

I listened to him stumble into our home, along with Norman. I heard them cackling like chickens from the living room.

I chuckled to myself as I listened to Jeffrey and Norman talk about how drunk they were.

"On some real shit man, I've got something to tell you" Jeffrey's voice spoke from the kitchen.

"What what is it man? Are you pregnant too?" Norman laughed uncontrollably.

Before I knew it I heard a loud crash of a bottle out in the living room, causing Norman to laugh even harder.

"Shhh!" Jeff exclaimed "shit shit shit. Addy is gonna be pissed. Norm shut the hell up and help me clean this glass up"

They ran around the house in search of a broom and dustpan, I narrowed my eyes and tried my hardest to not get upset at whatever Jeff had broken.

"Alright alright" Jeff whispered "Important shit now" I heard Jeffrey place the dustpan on the floor and he started sweeping the glass into the pan "I'm thinking about marrying her"

"Aw come on man what the hell?" Norm asked "You asshole you've made me cry at least 3 times in the last four hours"

Jeffrey chuckled

"Am I invited to the wedding?" Norman asks, placing the glass into the trash bin.

"Of course you are man, you're my best friend"

I started to tear up, I didn't think Jeffrey was even ready to propose. We had so much going on that I kind of pushed that idea to the back of my head.

"I know that it might seem like bad timing because she's pregnant and all.. But I love her" Jeffrey started "I love her with all of my heart Norman. She's such a loving girl. She's bright and smart, and she knows how to light up a room with just her smile"

Norman laughed "Yeah she is quite the catch huh?"

Jeffrey agreed "and that's exactly why I want to spend the rest of my life with her"

"Well what's left of it you old man" Norman teased slurring his words.

I shook my head and smiled

"Oh shut up" Jeffrey says standing up. "You crashing here tonight?"

"Yeah man" Norman answers

"Alright I'll go get you a pillow and a blanket" I heard Jeff's footsteps come from the living room and to our hallway, he opened the door and I sat there.

His eyes widened "Did you hear any of that?" He asked nervously.

I nodded.

He grinned "Please give me one second okay?" And with that he rushed to our closet and pulled down our extra set of pillows and blankets and rushed them out to Norman.

"Okay thanks!" Norman yelled. "I love you JD"

Jeffrey sighed in annoyance, he absolutely hated being called JD

Savior/ Jeffrey dean MorganTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang