Yeah that all went a lot smoother in my head.

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Brooke's POV

Today is the day. Here I am, standing outside of my mums car, loading all my luggage into the boot with Ellie.
The Mitchell's had come over last night so they could say goodbye and see me off which I thought was nice.
"How did lee take it?" Ellie asked and I sighed.
"We're not a thing anymore." I said honestly.
"What? Really?" She asked and I nodded, loading in the last suitcase.
"Man, that sucks." She frowned and I nodded yet again.
She pulled me in for a hug before I looked down at my phone time which read 14:56. We have to be at the airport shortly. As I was checking my phone, a message from Lee popped up.

Please don't tell me I'm too late?! I need to see you, I need one final kiss. I can't be without you Brooke, please tell me you're still here 🙏🏼 x

Lee, it's not right though. We're not together anymore... x

I know that. I just need to see you. Come down to the shops, I've parked up there x

I rolled my eyes and stuffed my phone into my back pocket. What do I do? Go and see him and regret all of this over again or just stay here and never see him again?! Man, this is so hard.
"Are you ok?" Ellie asked and I nodded.
"Uh, can you just tell my mum I've popped to the shop. I've just remembered that I've forgotten something." I lied.
"Yeah, sure." She smiled before running into the house. This is my time to escape.

Lee's lips were moving feverishly against my own and I couldn't help myself as I wound my fingers through his hair, tugging on the ends roughly as he pressed my back against the car door. His hands were all over me as he ran them up and down my sides, but he settled on my waist as he awkwardly climbed over the gear stick a bit so it wasn't digging in his stomach.

For some reason i wanted to have control over the situation so I pushed Lee back to the drivers seat and I climbed over the gear stick to him. As I pulled my lips off of his so I could straddle his lap, his eyes widened in amusement. I smirked before smashing my lips down to his again. His hands were squeezing at my thighs gently as I moved around to position myself properly. This had gone a lot better in my head, this space is entirely too small for this sort of thing and as if God wanted to prove the point that I had just realised, my bum hit the horn making it blare loudly in the car park. I pulled my lips off of Lee's and looked around awkwardly.

"Yeah that all went a lot smoother in my head." I giggled.
"Nice going." He chuckled as he ran his hands up and down my thighs slowly.
I sighed a rested my forehead on his.
"I'm going to miss you." I said.
"And I'm going to miss you but you know this is for the best." He said.
"What? Making out in a car when we're not even together anymore or the other reason?" I asked and he laughed slightly.
"The other reason." He said softly and I shrugged, climbing back into the passenger seat.
"I guess so." I said as I went to open the car door.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"We have to leave for the airport and I told everyone I was just getting something from the shop." I said and he frowned.
"Ok. Uh- well- uh- have fun I guess." He said and I nodded, I knew he didn't want to cry again.
I smiled and placed my lips onto his one last time before I opened the door and hopped out.
"Will you do something for me?" I asked, turning myself around so I was facing him. He nodded.
"Don't call. Don't text. Don't write and most importantly, don't you dare miss me." I said. I really hope that didn't sound as bad as it does. Oops.
"I'll try not to." He replied with a sigh and I smiled, pecking his lips one last time for however long.
"I'll see you around Hinchcliffe." I grinned.
"See you around smith." He smiled as I shut the door and walked away.

My heart actually hurts to leave him like this.

Walking around the entire airport just to get to my gate was extremely tiring. I also probably looked like a mess to some people. I could still feel the dampness of my tears from saying goodbye to my family, Steph and the Mitchell's. I'm such a state.

Once I arrived at my gate with only my hand luggage, as they took away my massive suitcases, I handed the lady my ticket.
"Thank you and I hope you enjoy your flight." She smiled widely at me. I thanked her and walked to find my seat.

As I got myself comfy and pulled out my phone, some fat sweaty man, out of breath, sat beside me and I mentally heaved. Great, Im going to have to sit next to that the whole plane ride there. Help me. I think I'm Satans target today.

I unlocked my phone with the man occasionally flicking his eyes down to my phone. Ugh, leave off you ugly fat man.

Sometimes you've just got to take risks.
See you UK and hello US ✈️

I plugged in my earphones and played my music. The first song that came on was 'With You' by Chris brown. Mine and Lee's song. Perfect. I sighed but continued to listen to it. It's not that bad of a song to be honest.

After a while, we began to take off.

I guess this is it. There's definitely no going back now. See you in a few years time UK.

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