Brooke, sit down.

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Brooke's POV

"So, what's it like living up north?" Caleb asked lee as we all tucked in to our dinner.
"Uh, it's ok." He laughed. He didn't know what else to say, bless.
"Brooke was telling me about your YouTube channel. Is that like, your job?" My mum asked.
"Well yeah, I guess. I get money from doing something I love and it's not everyday you get somebody saying that they love their job." He replied.
"How much do you get paid roughly?" My mum asked and my eyes widened and I slammed my glass down on the table, watching as all three heads turned to my direction.
"You can't ask something like that." I said, narrowing my eyes at my mum.
"See what I mean by attitude problem?" Caleb mumbled to my mum and she nodded slightly. I began to tense up but calmed down once I felt lee place a hand on my thigh. I looked at him and smiled.
"Just ignore them." He whispered and I nodded, pecking his cheek before continuing to eat.

As our plates got taken away, Caleb decided to send some more questions Lee's way. Poor boy.
"So, what do you do for fun?" Caleb asked, resting his elbows on the table and looking directly at lee. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as I knew he didn't like all this pressure.
"I like to film my videos and stuff." He replied.
"I need more of a detailed answer." Caleb said. Why does he need to know all of this? I'm not his daughter.
"I don't really do a lot." Lee laughed awkwardly.
"Well, do you like football?" He asked and lee nodded.
"Yeah, I used to play when I was younger." Lee replied.
"Key word, used." Caleb whispered to my mum. He really needs to work on his whispering skills.
"Can we just stop now. You've asked lee enough questions and I'm sure you're making him feel really uneasy." I said.
"One last question." Caleb smirked.
"Why do you want to date our daughter?" He asked. Our daughter? What the fuck. I instantly stood up from my chair and slammed my hands down on to the table. Everyone in the restaurant began to quieten down and all heads turned to look at us.
"Will you sit down. You're making a scene." My mum whispered harshly.
"This douche bag has totally brain washed you mum." I yelled.
"Brooke, sit down." Caleb said, deepening his voice.
"You are not my father. You don't get to tell me what to do, ok?" I shouted and I grabbed my stuff and I began to walk away before stopping in my tracks.
"One last thing." I smirked, reaching over the table and getting his glass of red wine and throwing it over him before slamming it down to the table and walking out. Serves him right.

As I was walking, I heard footsteps run after me.
"Brooke." Lee said and I stopped, turning around to see him walking towards me.
"I hate him, I hate him so much." I said through gritted teeth and he instantly pulled me in for a hug.
"He deserved all that wine over him." He chuckled softly and I pulled away from the hug, looking up at him.
"I don't want to go home." I frowned.
"Can we go round stephs?" He asked and I sighed.
"I guess." I shrugged.
"But it looks like we're walking because my mum drove us here." I added and he nodded.
"That's ok as long as I'm with you." He grinned.


"Douche bag should be called dickhead." Stephanie spat from the sofa.
"Tell me about it." I sighed, leaning my head back on Lee.
"Will your mum be looking for you?" Jake asked.
"Since being with Caleb, she hasn't given two damns about me so probably not." I replied.
"Are you staying here tonight?" Steph asked and I looked at lee for an answer.
"I don't think we should stay here because firstly, I don't want to give off the wrong impression so that your mum stops you seeing me and secondly, we can't dodge them forever, the sooner the better." Lee said and I huffed.
"Lee's right B. Just go home, act like nothing phased you. Caleb is making you hate him, it's obvious." Stephanie said.
"I know. He knows I'm short tempered and he does it all to wind me up. I may not like my dad but if I'm to have anyone be my father then I'd want it to be my real one." I huffed.
"We'll stay a little while longer then it's probably best to head back." Lee said and I nodded.

As we sat in silence, watching Jake play on the Xbox, my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Can we talk?


I lied to you :(

I know, you think you're pregnant

wHat?! How'd you know?

Jake told lee and lee told me.

Well shit. I'm sorry for not telling you, I just got scared you'd overreact. Jake and I are going to the doctors tomorrow for a test and hopefully it's all just a false alarm ✌🏼 Damn, I wish there was a fingers crossed emoji

😂 I wouldn't have overreacted, I would have just asked a lot of questions. I think you should have a baby tbh

Nah B. I'm good thanks. Me having a child would never go to plan 😂

Oh come on! I could dress it up, take it to the park and everything

So it'll basically be your baby? 😂 have your own bitch 💁🏻



I seem to do quite a few of these but I was thinking of maybe uploading once a week as I'm not too sure how many chapters this book will be and if it's not a lot then I don't want it to end so soon if that makes sense...

If I was to upload once a week or maybe even twice, what days would you want it to be?

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