When are you free?

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Brooke's POV

Once my mum had gone to work and douche bag left, Stephanie came round to sit with me. We were currently sitting on the sofa, eating a load of crap.
"So wait, your mum and douche bag were at it all night?" She asked, shoving some popcorn in her mouth.
"Sounded like it." I sighed.
"Bloody hell. Jake and I can't even go for an hour, let alone hours on end." She laughed and I heaved jokingly.
"TMI Steph, TMI." I giggled, opening up a packet of cheese and onion crisps.
"Just saying, it must hurt going for that long." She laughed, switching the music channel.

"So, when are you next seeing lee?" She asked, throwing the remote down beside her again.
"I don't know." I sighed.
"Hopefully soon. If my mum and Caleb are always here then I don't want to stay. It's disgusting seeing them all lovey dovey with each other." I said, shovelling some crisps in my mouth.
"I can only imagine." She heaved.
"Lee and I spoke about me buying an apartment up there." I said.
"Oh yeah? Did he think it was a good idea?" She asks.
"I'm not too sure really. He got really funny when I spoke about it. Apparently he doesn't want me to be all stressed over it and what if something happens to us, I'm then stuck up there." I sighed.
"But, it gets you away from all this douche bag stuff. Plus, nothing could happen to you and lee, you're too cute." She said and I laughed.
"I'm glad you think so." I giggled.
"If you go stay with him soon, remember, stay safe and protected." She smirked.
"Ew, Steph." I grimaced.

"When will your mum be home?" Lee asked down the phone. I looked up my clock.
"In about half an hour." I sighed.
"It's horrible not seeing you." He said.
"I know. When are you free?" I asked.
"I'm always free." He chuckled.
"Do you want to come down here for a couple of weeks? I know you've just gotten home but you can come down in a weeks time or something." I suggested.
"I thought you'd never ask." He laughed.
"So is that a 'yeah I'll come down Brooke'?" I asked, mentally praying he's going to say yes.
"Of course it is." He laughed. I began to jump around the room in excitement, thank god he can't see me right now.

"What are you doing?" Steph asked as she walked into my bedroom. I instantly stopped jumping up and down and pulled the phone away from my ear, covering the speaker so lee couldn't hear me.
"Lee's coming down here for a couple of weeks." I whispered, squealing.
"Really? Can he get Jake on his way down?" She asked and I shrugged, holding the phone back to my ear.
"What happened?" Lee asked, laughing.
"I have no clue." I lied.
"You know when you come down for a couple of weeks?" I asked.
"Yes..." he said, waiting for me to continue.
"Steph asked whether you could bring Jake with you. They can go off and do their own thing whilst we do our own things." I said.
"Yeah, sounds good. I didn't know you were still with Steph. I'll let you girls go and do whatever girls do whilst I ring Jake and ask him." Lee chuckled.
"Ok. I love you." I said.
"I love you too." He replied before ending the call.
"You two are too cute." Steph squealed.

"That's douche bag?" Steph whispered, leaning closer to me on the sofa. My mum and Caleb were currently cuddling up on the sofa opposite us.
"Yep. That's him." I whispered back. Mum had gotten home from work about an hour ago and she's already invited Caleb round.

Just as I was getting into the film, my mum turned to me.
"Hunny, would you like to run down the shops and get Caleb some vegetarian food please? He's having dinner with us tonight and can't eat meat." My mum explained. I groaned and rolled my eyes.
"Can't he go down?" I asked.
"No, he's the guest." Mum said, narrowing her eyes at me. I sighed, standing up, turning to Steph.
"Stephanie, would you do the honours in coming to the shops with me to get Caleb some vegetarian food?" I asked, loudly.
"I'd be honoured." She giggled, also standing up. I then walked over to my mum and held out my hand.
"Can I have the money please?" I asked.
"I don't know if I have enough so you may have to use some of your money." My mum explained, standing up and walking out to the kitchen where she got out her purse. Steph and I followed.
"Are you serious? Doesn't douc- I mean Caleb have any money? It's his food." I said.
"He hasn't got his wallet with him." She sighed.
"What kind of man doesn't carry around a wallet?" I asked, raising my voice slightly.
"Just please, I only have two pounds. I'll pay you back." She said.
"Fine." I huffed loudly, grabbing my purse and Stephs hand before walking out of the house.

"Is your mum serious right now?" Stephanie asked as we walked down the path.
"I think so." I sighed, digging through my purse to see how much money I had. I have my card but if I have some coins, why not just use them.
"How much have you got?" She asked.
"Five pounds in coins." I said, zipping my purse back up.
"How much is all this vegetarian food?" She asked.
"Probably expensive." I huffed, opening the door to the shop. It wasn't far from my house which is good, I guess.

Stephanie grabbed a basket and carried it around the shop for me. As we examined what vegetarian food this douche bag could like, my name was being called.
"Don't turn around." Stephanie said through gritted teeth.
"Why?" I asked, as my name was called again.
"Don't do i- oh too late." Stephanie sighed as I turned my head to see my ex boyfriend, Louis.
"Hey Brookie." He grinned, man that nickname made me want to throw up.
"Louis, how are you?" I asked.
"I'm doing good thanks. How are you?" He asked.
"Great. Yeah, perfect actually." I said, forcing on a smile. I hate this boy but I equally hate being horrible to people even though they've treated me like shit.
"That's good to hear, I've missed that smile of yours." He said, poking my cheeks. Steph swatted his hand away from me and stood in front of me so he could no longer touch me.
"She has a boyfriend you dick." She spat.
"Really?" He asked, frowning.
"Yes." I said quietly.
"I bet he's no where near as good as me." He chuckled.
"Oh hunny, he's miles better than you." Steph said making me stifle a laugh.
"If you say so." He laughed.
"Well Brookie, I'll see you around." He smirked before walking away. Steph instantly turned around to me with her eyes widened.
"What is he doing around here? He lives in Birmingham." She asked.
"I have no clue but I don't like it." I said before grabbing any sort of vegetarian food. If Caleb doesn't like what I pick out for him then he should have came down himself. Simple.

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