Its going to destroy him.

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I know it's Sunday but why not throw in another cheeky little update 😏

Brooke's POV

After waving the boys off, Steph and I were standing side by side, catching the last glimpse of Lee's white car and she sighed.
"Until next time." She laughed slightly, turning to face me.
"You want to head into town?" I asked and she nodded, linking our arms together.

As I was already ready for the day, we headed back to her house so she could get ready.

"You haven't been yourself since that meeting with Tracy. Are you ok?" Steph asked whilst rummaging through her wardrobe.
"You promise you won't scream at me." I sighed.
"It can't be that bad, can it?" She asked and I shrugged.
"You're going to hate it. Most people will." I said and she frowned.
"Try me." She said and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm moving back to America." I said quickly and she choked on air.
"You're what?" She screamed and I shushed her.
"I said don't scream." I said.
"Brooke, how can I not scream?! You're going back to America! Are you ever coming back? How long will you be gone for? Does lee know? Does anyone know?" She asked, firing question after question.
"Steph, calm down. It was either that or I could lose my whole career." I said and she sighed.
"What about me? Actually, scrap that. What about lee? Does he know?" She asked.
"No." I gulped, looking down at the ground and her eyes widened.
"So you're moving to America and you haven't even told him?" She asked, raising her voice.
"I've tried to tell him Steph but I chicken out. It's going to destroy him." I sighed.
"Damn right it will." She huffed.
"Look, I can't lose my career, it's everything I've ever dreamed of. It's going to change my future." I explained.
"Everything you have here can change your future. Isn't there a record label around here that's willing to take you on?" She asked.
"No one wants me, only the one in America. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity Steph." I said and she looked down to the floor, sniffing. Is she crying?
"Can I come and visit you?" She asked, looking up with a tear dripping down her cheek. I instantly stood up from her bed and pulled her into a tight hug.
"Of course you can." I smiled softly, trying to stop the tears from flowing.
"When are you leaving?" She asked.
"In about a weeks time." I responded.
"You have to tell lee B." She said, wiping away the tears.
"I will. Trust me. I just need to do it at the right time." I said and she nodded.

That was hard enough telling steph. How on earth am I going to tell lee?

"If you're going to America then you're going to need some summer clothes." Stephanie said, dragging me into Zara. I rolled my eyes but smiled. She seems to be taking this very well.
"What if it's chucking down with rain the whole time I'm there?" I asked and she turned to look at me as though I was dumb.
"It's America. It never rains." She responded.
"Actually, when I used to live there, it rained quite a bit." I said and she rolled her eyes.
"Whatever smart arse. Pick out some clothes." She said, pointing to the clothes on the rail.

I grinned and began to scan through the clothes. I'm pretty fussy when it comes to clothes. I'm more of a plain dresser, a crop top and some jeans. That's mainly what I wear.

"Hey, this is nice." Steph said, holding up a turquoise tank top with some flowers sown into it. My eyes widened and I pulled a disgusted face.
"What's wrong with it?" She asked.
"It looks like something five year old me would wear." I answered, pretending to heave.
"Oh shut up." she laughed, hanging it back up. I smiled before continuing to search.

"These are so you." Stephanie squealed, holding out some white high waisted shorts.
"Are they?" I asked and she nodded eagerly.
"Duh. They'd look perfect on you. Oh my god, we totally have to find a top to go with it." She grinned before throwing me the shorts and searching for a top. She's always been more passionate about shopping than I. I never really understand why though.
"How about this?" I asked, holding up plum coloured flowy top.
"Yes. That would go amazing. Now we just need to find a leather jacket." She smirked, running off to another section of the shop. I swear she knows this shop better than the back of her own hand.

After shopping until we pretty much dropped, we decided to head back to my place so we could put all my clothes away.
"I'm sorry for earlier." Steph said, falling down on to my bed. The amount of times people have fallen down on my bed in the past couple of months... I'm surprised it's not broken.
"Sorry for what?" I asked, grabbing a hanger out of my wardrobe and hanging up one item of clothing.
"For being really unsupportive. I'm so happy you've got this opportunity and to say I'm proud would be an understatement. I guess I just got a little sad because I can't bare to be away from you for however long." She said softly.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"I think the next week will be the saddest week of my life." I laughed slightly.
"Tell me about it." She giggled.

I'm actually really happy that Steph is supporting me and proud of me. If she acted any worse, I think I may have had to change my mind last minute. I think telling Lee will really make me think through things again...

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