Whats going to happen?

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Brooke's POV

After laying about watching some TV programme, the fire alarm went off. I jumped up and looked at lee who's eyes were widened.
"The cake." We said in unison and raced out to the kitchen to see it covered in smoke.
I laughed as lee grabbed a towel, waving it around the room and I rummaged through the drawers until I came across the oven gloves. I then slipped them on and opened the oven door, releasing all the smoke. I coughed and pulled out the cake, throwing it on the kitchen side.

Lee stood beside me after opening the back door to let in some air and turning off the alarm.
"Well aren't we stupid." He chuckled, poking the top of the burnt cake but pulling his hand away as he had burnt himself.
"You're stupid, I'm not." I giggled, taking off the oven gloves and putting them back to where I found them.
"Rude." He smirked, pecking my cheek.

Looks like that cake is going to have to go in the bin. What a waste.

Once we had binned the burnt cake and made sure all the smoke was gone, we walked upstairs to the room.
"Are we not sleeping in the fort?" Lee asked and I sighed.
"It's broken." I giggled.
"I thought we were going to fix it." He pouted.
"We'll do it in the morning. I'm tired." I yawned.
"Get some sleep then." He smiled, handing me my pyjamas. I quickly went and changed in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair before walking back to the bedroom to see lee looking out the window.

"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Looking at the stars." He said, not taking his eyes off the sky. I grinned and stood beside him, also looking up to see all the stars.
"The sky is so dark." He whispered and I sighed happily.
"The darkest nights produce the brightest stars." I grinned, shifting my eyes from star to star before turning my head to see lee was already staring at me.
"Why are you staring?" I asked.
"I like the way the stars twinkle in your eyes." He smiled and I bit my lip, holding back a smile.
"You're making me like cringe when it comes out of your mouth. Stop." I giggled, burying my face in my hands to hide the blush that had crept up on my cheeks.

He laughed and pulled me in for hug, I wrapped my arms around his torso tightly and took in his scent. Damn, he smelt good. His chin rested on the top of my head lightly and he breathed in and out heavily.
"What's going to happen?" He asked quietly and I pulled away, looking up at him in confusion.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I mean, what's going to happen to us?" He asked which only then made me more confused.
"Us?" I questioned.
"Yeah. You'll be going back to London when this last week is up and I'll be going back up to Barnsley." He sighed and I smiled before cupping his face with my hands.
"We'll make it work." I said.
"I promise." I added before standing on my tiptoes and pecking his lips.
"You have to promise aswell." I smiled.
"I promise we'll make it work." He chuckled before connecting our lips again.

I know I said I was tired but who could be tired when Lee Hinchcliffe is currently on top of them, scattering kisses over their faces?
"Babe, stop." I giggled, attempting to push him off of me but he wasn't having any of it.
"Lee." I laughed as he moved his lips down to my neck. He mumbled something against my skin making a soft moan escape my lips. I titled my neck to the side, exposing him to more of my neck. He smiled against it and began to suck at my soft spot. That's sure to leave a mark.
After a little while, he pulled away and looked down at my neck then at me.
"That's a little something to show boys you have a boyfriend and they should back the fuck away." He chuckled.
"Why? Couldn't you have just posted it all over social media or something?" I asked, laughing.
"Because you're mine and only mine. I don't like sharing". He whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

He rolled off of me with a smirk as I laid there with a big smile on my face.
"Damn you Hinchcliffe." I giggled.

"I'm excited." I squealed, clapping my hands together.
"We're only going ice skating, it's not that exciting." Lee laughed, tucking my hair behind my ear.
"It is. I love ice skating." I giggled, pinching his cheeks.
"But Jake and Steph have to come." He pouted.
"It's not that bad Leebo." I laughed, ruffling up his hair.

Lee and I decided that tomorrow, it would be nice for us four to go out ice skating together. I love ice skating but lee on the other hand has never been so this could be interesting.

"What day are you leaving?" He asked softly, intwining our fingers.
"In 5 days." I sighed, not liking the thought of leaving lee.
"Well four because the leaving day wouldn't really count." I added and he frowned.
"Can I just kidnap you forever?" He asked and I grinned.
"I'd love you too but I've got to go home at some point." I giggled.
"Then can you kidnap me?" He questioned.
"I don't think your parents would appreciate it." I smiled, placing my hands on his cheeks and stroking my thumbs up and down gently.
"They wouldn't mind." He said.
"I'm sure they would." I laughed and he pouted.
"When this week is up, how will we see each other?" He asked.
"I don't know, I can get the train up to you or you can drive down to me." I shrugged.
"I don't like the thought of you travelling on a train on your own for that long." He said and I smiled. He's too adorable.
"Well then I'll walk." I laughed which made him crack a smile.
"I'm scared you'll find someone better." He sighed and I shook my head.
"I could never find anyone better. Everyone knows I'm yours due to this fricken hickey you've given me." I giggled, pointing to the lovebite on my neck.
"Oh yes. So they will." He smirked before connecting our lips.

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