We're going on a road trip.

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Brooke's POV

"Brooke, wake up." I heard someone say, shaking my body lightly. I opened up one eye to see that it was lee.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Jake and Steph are packing some bags." He said and I sat up, rubbing my eyes.
"What?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.
"Come with me." He whispered and took my hand, stumbling out of the room to spy on Jake and Steph.

I watched as they packed some bags; some with clothes, some with utensils and some with sleeping bags. What's happening? Lee then sneezed making me jump out of my skin and Jake and Steph turned around to see us both.
"Sup?" I asked with a nod of the head slightly. Seriously? That's all I could say? Way to go Brooke.
"What are you doing?" Lee asked, walking into the room to rummage through the bags.
"We're going on a road trip. Get packing Leebo." Jake said, patting lees back and pushing him out of the room.

I looked up at lee with confusion and he shrugged.
"I guess we best get ready." He said.

"You're paying for petrol." Lee said to Jake as he got out of the car to fill it up. Jake muttered something under his breath but pulled out his wallet to get some money out. Lee then came to Jakes window and he handed him the money.

After getting the petrol we set off back on the road.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Ask them two. It was their idea." Lee chuckled and I turned to Stephanie.
"I don't know. Jake suggested it." She replied and I looked at Jake who was looking at me through the mirror of the thing you pull down when the sun is in your eyes.
"Let's just see where the road takes us." He said and I sighed. He has no clue where we're going, does he?

Lee turned on the radio and I hummed along to it but soon drifted off to sleep as lee woke me up pretty early this morning. When I say pretty early, it wasn't that early to some people but to me, it was the earliest I've ever woken up.

I woke up with my head on Steph's shoulder and her head rested on mine. I pulled away to see that she was also asleep.
"Finally, someone's awake." Lee laughed and I looked at him through the rear mirror.
"Is Jake sleeping too?" I asked and he nodded.
"You guys have made me tired." He yawned and I smiled.
"Sorry. I'm awake now." I said.
"I can see." He grinned and focused back on the road again.
"Where are you driving to?" I asked.
"I need the loo." He replied, pulling to a service station.
"Do you need to go?" He asked as he parked up and I nodded.

Lee got out then let me out and we walked into the McDonald's.
"Shall we get a little something whilst we're here? The other two don't need to know." Lee asked and I laughed.
"Classy but yeah, why not?" I giggled.
"I'm just going to use the bathroom. Shall we meet back here?" He asked and I nodded.

I went into the girls bathroom where I peed and washed my hands before walking back out to see lee was already there and talking to two girls. For some reason an urge of jealousy flooded through my body. He smiled as I walked up to him and he said a quick bye to the girls.
"Sorry about that. They watch my videos." He explained.
"It's fine." I replied.

We quickly got a small burger each and we walked back to the car to see that the other two had now woken up.
"What? You guys got burgers?" Jake asked.
"Looks like we're going to have to halve them." Lee laughed.

Jake and lee shared one burger and steph and I shared the other, to my disappointment. Once we had finished, we continued the car journey which Jake directed and we ended up near a woods.

"Woods? Really? You know how much I hate them." Stephanie moaned once we climbed out of the car.
"I won't let you out of my sight baby." Jake said, wrapping his arms around stephs waist. Ew. Cringe or what?

Lee locked up the car and we all carried around the different bags.
"Why have we got all of these bags?" I groaned as I struggled to carry one.
"Because we, my dear cousin, are camping." Jake yelled and I shivered. I. Hate. Camping.

"You've gone a little pale. Are you ok?" Lee asked, moving closer to me so only I could hear him.
"Yep." I lied.
"You're lying." He said.
"I just hate camping. That's all." I sighed.
"I won't let you out of my sight baby." Lee mocked Jakes earlier sentence and I shoved him away from me playfully earning a little laugh.

Once Jake had checked the surroundings, we decided to camp near a cave.
"Caves scare me." Stephanie frowned, not stepping in.
"It's hardly a cave Steph, come on." I giggled, pulling her in. Does she ever not moan?

"What have we actually got?" I asked.
"Stuff to keep us alive." Lee laughed. I rolled my eyes at him and began to pull out the stuff from the bags I had carried up here.

Looks like we're camping out here tonight.

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