Im not staring, im admiring.

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Brooke's POV

Waking up in Lees arms was something I could get used to. I smiled to myself and turned around so I was facing him. His lips were parted slightly and soft snores escaped them. Cutie.

I quickly leaned over and grabbed my phone, taking a picture of him before opening up twitter. No, I wasn't tweeting the picture but I was tweeting something else.

I always wake up smiling... I think it's your fault 🙊💞

I then shuffled my way out of Lee's arms, careful not to wake him up and I walked to the bathroom. No one was back yet so it gives us time to wake up and clear up all the mess downstairs. Oops.
I had my morning wee and brushed my teeth before tying my hair up in a high pony tail and walking back to the bedroom.
Lee was still sleeping and I smiled, walking over to the bed and sitting next to him, running my hands through is hair.
"I can feel you staring." He mumbled.
"I'm not staring, I'm admiring. There's a difference." I giggled. He opened his eye slightly and looked up at me, grinning.
"Did you sleep ok?" He asked before stretching loudly.
"Yeah. Did you?" I asked, laughing.
"I was sleeping next to you. Of course i got a good nights sleep." He said in a 'duh' tone. I rolled my eyes at him playfully before standing up.
"Right, go brush your teeth and stuff. I'll be downstairs. We've got to tidy up." I said before walking out and hearing him groan.

He's too lazy.

"Stop." I laughed as he hit my bum with the pillow repeatedly.
"But it's fun." He chuckled, hitting me with it again. I rolled my eyes and turned around snatching the pillow away from him.
"Let's see how you like it." I smirked before whacking him around the head with it a few times. He began to scream like a girl and I laughed, chucking the pillow down to the sofa.
"See, it's not very fun, is it?" I asked and he frowned.
"Oh shush." He chuckled before we tidied up the rest of the fort.

Once we finished, we fell down to the sofa, switching on any programme we could find.
"Oi." Lee said, taking the controller out of my hand and throwing it down to the other sofa. He moved himself so he was hovering over me and I smiled.
"I haven't had a kiss this morning." He said.
"I don't think you deserve one." I smirked and he gasped.
"You couldn't resist these lips." He said, puckering them up.
"I could." I giggled.
"I'd like to see you try." He smirked, leaning down and hovering his lips above mine before he moved them and placed them down to my neck, still not kissing it, just breathing on it lightly.
I pulled his head away from my neck and looked at him.
"That's not very nice." I giggled.
"Then kiss me." He whispered and soon enough, our lips were moving against each other feverishly.

Rob and sue had arrived home not too long ago and we were now waiting on Jake and Steph. We haven't told them what we have planned today as we thought it would be a nice little surprise.

Lee and I were waiting in the bedroom when there was a soft knock at the door, pulling us apart from our kissing. I stood up and opened it to see Sue standing there with our burnt cake in her hands.
"Did you get that out the bin?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Rob did. What is this?" She asked.
"A cake." Lee simply answered. She looked at it and frowned.
"You guys need some cooking lessons. What happened Brooke? You were such a good little cook for your mum." She laughed.
"Lee happened." I giggled.
"Hey, don't blame this on me." He pouted.
"Too late." I smirked.
"Well I'm going to put this in the outside bin." She laughed before leaving us alone again.

I shut the door and turned around to lee who was trying to hold in a laugh.
"Looks like we got caught." He chuckled, pulling me by the waist and holding me close.
"At least they didn't know we nearly burnt the house down." I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Can you imagine." He laughed.

I leaned our faces closer, about to connect our lips but the door swung open and pulled us apart. I turned my head to see Jake and Steph smirking.
"Were we interrupting something?" Jake asked.
Lee had said yes and I had said no at the same time. Way to go Lee.
"No, you didn't interrupt anything." I said, looking at lee as if to say 'just go along with it'.
"It looks like we did." Steph giggled, sitting herself down on the bed.
"Well you didn't." Lee chuckled. Thank the lord, he's going along with it.

I sat down beside Steph on the bed and rested my head on her shoulder.
"Did you guys have fun?" I asked and Jake nodded.
"Where'd you go?" Lee questioned.
"We stayed in a hotel by the beach." Steph explained.
"Classy." I giggled, wiggling my eyebrows.
"What did you guys do whilst we were gone?" Jake asked.
"Well first of all, we nearly burnt down your house, then we made a fort which Brooke broke." Lee started and I gasped.
"Hey, you fell with me on your back. The fort was your fault." I laughed.
"Woah woah woah. You nearly burnt down the house?" Stephanie asked.
"I guess." I said which came out as more of a question.
"Well shit." Jake laughed.

After that we just spoke about our times together until lee popped the question.
"Can we take you somewhere?" He asked.
"Take us where?" Jake questioned.
"It's a surprise." I smirked.
"As long as you're not kidnapping us or killing us then yes, you may take us somewhere." Stephanie laughed.
"Killing or kidnapping wasn't on the list so go get your butts ready." I giggled, pushing them out of the bedroom.

Time to get ready ourselves.

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