Shut the door.

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Brooke's POV

"Is he nearly here?" My mum asked from beside me.
"You're more excited than me." I giggled.
"But yes, he's about an hour away." I smiled as my belly erupted with butterflies. It was only my mum and I at home today as Caleb had to work or something, thank god. As you can tell, I don't like him.
"Maybe we could go out for dinner tonight." My mum suggested.
"That sounds nice. Just you, lee and I?" I asked and she shook her head.
"I don't see the harm in Caleb coming too." She grinned and I sighed loudly.
"Are you and Caleb like a proper thing now?" I asked.
"Well yeah." She said.
"I knew him way before your dad and we were together but I left him when I got with your dad." She added.
"So you used to know each other before I was born?" I asked.
"Yep. We weren't together for that long though. I was still kind of with him whilst being with your dad." She sighed. So now all the truth is coming out...
"You cheated?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I guess. Look, I'm not talking about this right now. Help me tidy the house before lee gets here." Mum said as she got up from the sofa, taking the two mugs out to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes but got up and began to help tidy.

"Lee." I grinned, running out of the house and straight towards him. He had only just gotten his bags out of his car and I was already pouncing on him.
"Hello you." He smiled before placing a soft kiss on my lips. I giggled and pulled away.
"Have you gotten shorter?" He smirked and I gasped.
"Oit. It's only been a week." I laughed, grabbing one of his bags and holding his hand in my spare one. He locked the car before picking up the other bag and we began to walk into the house.
"As I've told you, my mum is very excited to meet you." I laughed as I opened up the front door and soon enough, my mum came running from upstairs and smiled, pulling lee into a tight embrace. Lee laughed awkwardly.
"It's nice to meet you lee. Brooke never stops talking about you." My mum laughed.
"That's not true." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up. Lee sent a smirk my way before turning back to my mum.
"It's nice to meet you too Sarah." Lee grinned.
"I'll show you to my room." I said, beginning to walk up the stairs, hoping lee would follow.
"Keep the bedroom door open you two." My mum said.
"Mum." I groaned, rolling my eyes and walking up the stairs.

Once we had reached my bedroom, I placed Lee's bags on the floor and looked at him.
"Shut the door." I said.
"But your mum sa-" he started but I walked over and shut the door before slamming my lips on to his.
"Someone's eager." He laughed, pulling away to take his jacket off.
"It feels like I haven't kissed you in forever." I said, grabbing his head and kissing him again.

After kissing for a while, we were laying on my bed with the TV on.
"Is Jake at stephs?" I asked.
"Yeah. Do you know what's going on between them?" He asked and I sighed, nodding.
"Do you?" I questioned.
"Yeah Jake told me on the way here. Do you really think Steph is pregnant?" He asked and I choked on air.
"Woah what?" I asked.
"So you don't know?" He asked.
"Steph told me that Jake thought she was talking to some other guy." I said, my eyes going wide, as did Lee's.
"Jake definitely said she thought she was pregnant." Lee said, sitting up on the bed.
"Why would she think that?" I asked.
"I don't know. Apparently the night when we went to the cave, they did it unprotected." He explained.
"Steph is on the pill though." I said.
"Ugh I don't know. It's all so confusing." He laughed lightly.
"I can't believe that my best friend told me a complete different story." I frowned.
"Maybe she was going to tell you but chickened out and told you another story. It'll be fine, she'll tell you soon." He said softly, cupping my face with his hands.
"God I've missed you." I whispered, placing a kiss on his lips before my mum barged in. Lee jumped away from me, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"This is the exact reason why the door was to stay open." My mum said.
"Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend now?" I asked, a little annoyed.
"Yes but it can lead to you know what." She replied.
"Mum, I'm seventeen. I'm bound to do it at some point. Plus, if we were to do it, we'd do it when we had the house to ourselves." I said in a 'duh' tone.
"Note to self, don't let Brooke and Lee have the house to themselves." My mum mumbled. I rolled my eyes.
"Anyways, Caleb is here now. We're going to leave soon so get ready." She said before leaving the room.

I turned to lee who looked a little scared.
"Are you scared of my mum?" I asked with a little laugh.
"No." He lied.
"You're too cute." I giggled, pecking his lips before standing up.
"Where are we going?" He asked, also standing up.
"Oh yeah, we're going out for dinner so be prepared to get asked a lot of questions." I said and he gulped.
"I'm joking." I laughed, ruffling about his hair. I'm really not joking. It'll be like question central when we're out tonight.
"Hey, now I need to do it again." He pouted, running his hand through his hair and fixing the quiff.

The amount of hairspray that boy must have in his hair is unreal.

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