Do you trust me?

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Brooke's POV

"Come back. I can't do it." Steph laughed as I skated off to find lee who was also struggling.
"Can any of you skate?" I asked as I looked at the three of them gripping the sides of the ice rink.
"Nope." Jake laughed, popping the 'p'.
How the hell am I going to help all three of them?

I sighed and skated over to Jake.
"Take my hand." I said, holding my hand out in front of me.
"You're not making me let go off this edge." He said.
"You're going to have to let go and trust me." I laughed. He took in a deep breath and let go of the edge, clinging on to me for dear life. I quickly got my balance back and helped him skate over to Steph who wasn't even that far from him.
"If you guys just go around together, it'll be fine." I said, giving Steph Jakes hands and as soon as I let go, they both went tumbling to the ground.
"Brooke." Jake groaned, attempting to stand up.
"Help." He said and I shook my head.
"You're on your own peeps." I giggled, skating off to lee.

"You're not doing that to me." He said as I approached him, pointing at Jake and Steph who were still trying to get up but failing.
"Oh come on. Trust me." I giggled, grabbing his hands. He was a little unsteady at first but played it off cool.
"Do you know how scared I am right now?" He asked and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Seriously? The worst that could happen is you fall on to the ice." I giggled.
"That's not the worst babe. If seen people fall and get their fingers sliced off from other people's skates and some people have fallen so badly that they've either broken bones or died." He said and I began to laugh.
"That's a bit extreme don't you think?" I asked as I began to skate backwards pulling him forward with me.
"Stop." He screamed, trying to turn around and reach for the side.
"I don't want to die just yet." He said.
"Lee babe, you're not going to die." I laughed, pulling him into me.
"I might do. I could just fall and c-" he started but I placed my index finger over his lips to shut him up.
"Listen to me. Nothing's going to happen, ok?" I asked and he sighed but nodded.
"Do you trust me?" I questioned.
"Of course but you didn't help Jake when he fell." He said.
"Yeah but Jakes Jake, and you, you're you." I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Promise me you won't let me go." He laughed.
"I promise." I whispered as I connected our lips for a split second before teaching him how to skate.

Jake and Stephanie were currently gripping on to the edge, holding hands and skating around the edge of the rink whilst I took lee towards the middle part where he couldn't reach any sides.

"Why are we in the middle?" He asked, wobbling about on the spot but I quickly helped him regain his balance.
"Because if you want to go to the sides at any point, you're going to have to skate there on your own." I smirked.
"That's unfair." He frowned.
"No it's not. Come on, it's not hard once you get the hang of it." I giggled, pulling him to my side and skating with him.

"Hold on, I think I've got it." He said and I raised an eyebrow as he released his grip from my hand with determination on his facial features.
"Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded.
I stood and watched as he shuffled along the ice, wobbling a few times before his feet went slipping out underneath him. He fell to the ground and winced as I tried to stifle the laughter. He pouted up at me and I smiled, skating over to him and helping him back up to the standing position.
"You do it like this you numpty." I giggled, holding his hand in mine again before showing him how he should skate around the ice. He nodded and let go of my hand, giving it another go.

"Brooke, look, I'm doing it." He exclaimed, skating around the ice. I laughed and clapped my hands together, cheering, which let me add, got a few odd looks from the other people on the rink.
I began to skate the opposite way to him, allowing him to catch up with me but the moment that I turned around to see if he was still following me, my eyes widened and he came crashing in to me, screaming. We went tumbling down to the ice and he had fallen on me, making it almost impossible to breathe.

"What a perfect way to land." He laughed. I rolled my eyes at him playfully.
"You know, if you keep rolling your eyes, they're soon going to roll out of your head." He chuckled.
"Good, then I won't have to see your ugly face anymore." I teased.
"Well aren't you lovely." He said sarcastically, trying to hide a smile that was forming on his face.
"I know." I giggled, leaning up and pecking his lips before we attempted to stand up again.

After that, we only had another half an hour on the ice. Jake and Steph seemed to have gotten the hang of it but would occasionally go towards the edge where as lee and I would just skate around the middle, holding hands.

I don't want to leave Hereford. I'm having too much fun.

Mine ~ Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now