There'll be no sex on my sofa.

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Brooke's POV

"I'm not letting you leave this room." Lee moaned as he pulled me back down to the bed.
"I've really got to pee." I giggled.
"The pee can wait." He said as he nuzzled his face into my neck.
"Lee seriously, I will start peeing on you." I threatened.
"Oh god. Please don't." He said, releasing me from his grip. I laughed and stood up, walking to the bathroom.

As I was peeing, I decided to get in the shower. I walked back to the bedroom and got out some new clothes for today and walked back to the bathroom. I stripped down until I was nude and hopped in the shower, turning the water on and letting it trickle down my body. I grabbed the shampoo and squeezed some on to my hand before massaging it into my scalp and washing it out before doing the same to my conditioner. I shaved any bits that needed shaving and then I got out, wrapping the towel around my body tightly. I cleared away the steam from the mirror and brushed my teeth. Nobody likes un-brushed teeth now, do they?

I then changed into my clothes for today which was a long sleeved white collard shirt that was more of a dress and some leggings. I quickly towel dried my hair before leaving it down to dry naturally then I walked back to the bedroom to find that lee wasn't there. That surprised me and I'm not even using sarcasm. He must have gone downstairs for some breakfast.

After applying minimal makeup, I made my way downstairs where I could see them all sat around the table, eating some cereal.
"Morning." I grinned, opening up the fridge to get out the butter.
"Morning." Stephanie yawned in response. I laughed and pulled out two slices of bread before popping them both in the toaster.
"You all seem so miserable today." I giggled, turning around to face them all. Stephanie was half asleep, Jake was eating his cereal way too slowly and lee was on his phone.
"I'm not miserable." Lee said, locking his phone and placing it on the table before smiling at me.
"Neither." Stephanie said, holding back a yawn.
"I'm not even going to try and lie." Jake chuckled lightly.
"What's up Mitchell?" I asked, sitting beside him.
"You're all leaving me tomorrow." He frowned.
"We'll be back," I laughed.
"Oh please don't come back." Rob said as he entered the kitchen.
"Woah, love you too Robbo." Lee said, giving his the thumbs up. Rob laughed in response but then jumped when my toast popped up.

I grabbed a plate out of the cupboard and began to butter my toast before siting back at the table.
"Have you got the alcohol?" I asked Jake.
"No, dad was going to take Steph and I in a bit. You're free to come but I thought that you at lee might want some alone time." He smirked and I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.
"Oh god. They're coming with us. There'll  be no sex on my sofa." Rob said making us all laugh.

"Are you sure you're warm enough?" Lee asked as we sat down on the field near the park.
"Yes, I'm sure." I giggled, pecking his cheek.
"It's so dark out." Stephanie said, shining her phone light.
"The darker the better." Jake grinned before handing lee a beer and me a WKD as I hate beer.
"I'm only having one drink." Lee said and I frowned.
"Don't be a party pooper." I said, taking a sip of my drink.
"I'm not. I just don't like drinking too much." He laughed and I shrugged.
"Fair enough." I said.

As I'm such a light weight, after a few more sips of my drink, I was a little tipsy. Lee had refused to drink anymore which I thought was stupid so I grabbed the bottle of pure vodka and I screwed the lid off, pouring some into the lid to make a shot and I turned to Lee.
"One more drink. Come on." I smirked.
"Yeah Lee. Take the shot." Jake said from opposite me.
"I'm not doing it. I've got to look after you piss heads." He chuckled.
"Hey! I'm not a piss head." I pouted and giggled.
"Just do the shot Lee." Stephanie said.
"I'm not doing it." He said, pushing the shot away from him and the other two went back to their discussions and I just looked at him.
"No more kisses tonight or tomorrow then." I whispered and placed the shot to my lips before Lee snatched it from me, downing it and screwing his face up at the burning sensation.
"Proud moment." I laughed, holding my hand to my heart and he shook his head at me chuckling. He took the vodka out of my hand and poured another shot.
"Your turn" he said. I smirked and took it out of his hand, drinking it. After a few more shots Lee and I were pretty much hammered.

The whole bottle of vodka had nearly gone. There was a third of it left. I know Lee said that he would drink but i just kept saying that there would be no kisses if he didn't. He gave in everytime. I was very proud of myself, I must say.

After a few more drinks I was gone, as was the other three. We all looked like crazy alcoholics with all these empty bottles around us.
"Let's go in the park." I grinned and I got up but instantly fell back down. I must have gotten up too fast. We all laughed it off and Lee got up, pulling me him.
"Come on guys." I slurred as I ran to the park, well I say ran, I mean I attempted to run but I can tell you that it was definitely  not in a straight line.

Once we all got into the park Lee and I shot gunned the swings and we were currently sitting on them. I had Stephanie run behind me and she began to push me. I threw my head back in laughter at nothing really but I was just having fun.
"Wait watch this. Keep pushing me Steph." I said, smirking and I prepared myself for what I was going to do next.

As Stephanie continued to push me I stood up on the swing, struggling and wobbling but I did it and got a few cheers.
"Brooke be careful." Lee said and I laughed.
"I'm always careful." I said, sticking my tongue out at him and he shook his head, laughing at me.
The swing was still going pretty high and I took in a sharp breath before jumping and landing on my feet. My eyes widened and I looked at everyone who had their hands over their mouths in shock.
I then threw my hands in the air and screamed.
"That was awesome!" I yelled, earning a few laughs.

I need to do that again.

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