Can i tell you something?

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Brooke's POV

The week had dragged along and the boys were coming down tomorrow afternoon. I was currently on FaceTime to lee, watching him pack his bag.
"Make sure to bring a hoodie." I said as he rummaged through his wardrobe.
"Is that because you want to steal it?" He asked, smirking, holding back a laugh.
"Maybe." I giggled, propping my head up with my elbows.
"I'll make sure to pack about ten then." He chuckled, stuffing a few hoodies into his bag.
"My mum is excited to meet you." I grinned.
"She is? What about douche bag?" He asked.
"We'll ignore douche bag." I laughed.
"Well my parents are excited to meet you." He smiled.
"You're parents seem so cool." I said.
"Yeah, they are." He grinned, zipping up his big duffle bag.
"So, what time are you leaving tomorrow?" I asked.
"I'll plan to leave for about 12, aim to be at Jakes by 3 and then get to yours for about 6." He explained.
"That's like 6 hours of driving." I frowned.
"I know. If I wasn't going to Jakes, which is kind of out of the way, I'd be able to get to yours within 4 hours." He said.
"We live so far apart." I moaned.
"Brooke." He said.
"Lee." I mocked.
"I don't care how far we live from each other. You could live across the world and I'll still find a way to see you." He said and I grinned.
"Your cringeyness is cute." I giggled. Lee's mum then walked in to his room.
"Dinners ready." She said softly.
"Ok, let me just say goodbye to Brooke." He smiled.
"Brooke's there?" She asked and he nodded, holding the phone up to his mum where she saw me.
"Hello Louise." I smiled, waving.
"Oh Brooke hunny. How are you?" She asked, stepping closer to the camera.
"I'm good thank you. How are you?" I asked. I always get so awkward when talking to Lee's parents. What if they don't like me?
"I'm great thank you." She grinned before turning to lee.
"Your dinner will be on the side." She said before leaving.
"I love your mum." I giggled.
"She loves you too." He laughed.
"Anyways, it looks like I'm going to have to love you and leave you." He pouted.
"That's ok. Enjoy your dinner." I smiled.
"I will. I love you." He replied.
"I love you more." I grinned.
"Impossible." He smirked before blowing me a kiss and ending the call.

I can't wait to see his cute little face again. I sighed and rolled off my bed, like literally rolled. After laying on the floor for a good five minutes, I decided to go downstairs and rummage through the cupboards as my mum and Caleb had gone out for food and not cooked me anything. Apparently I'm old enough to do it myself. Ugh, parents.

As I was opening and closing the cupboard doors out of boredom, the front door went. No one made any noise. Who the hell is it?
"Mum?" I shouted, walking closer to the door. I then heard some russling. Oh god, we're getting burgled. I looked around the kitchen and found a rolling pin on the side before hiding behind the island.
The footsteps then got louder meaning whoever it was had made their way into the kitchen.
"Brooke. I've brought round some food." The familiar voice of my best friend shouted through the house. Holy poop. Thank god it's only her. She's going to think I'm so weird if I just pop up holding a rolling pin.
"B, where are you?" She asked.
"I'm here." I smiled, standing up, holding the rolling pin behind my back.
"What were you doing on the floor?" She asked and I laughed, that was such a fake laugh Brooke.
"Funny story, I dropped the rolling pin whilst trying to cook something." I said, holding up the rolling pin and putting it back to where I got it from.
"With a rolling pin? Where's the food." She asked.
"Yeah I was going to make cookies. I haven't started yet." I lied.
"Okayyy..." she said, not believing a word I had just said.
"You know what, the cookies can wait." I laughed awkwardly. Way to go Brooke.

"They should be back by now." I sighed, looking at the time on my phone.
"No offence B, but your mum has changed since being with that douche." Steph said, spinning around on my desk chair.
"Tell me about it." I groaned, falling down to my bed.
"I hope she's not like this when lee is round. It'll be so embarrassing." I huffed.
"Can't she just go round Caleb's? I mean there's no reason why she can't right?" Steph asked, grabbing one of my nail polishes and examining the colour.
"She could do but I think she chooses not to." I said, watching as she opened up the nail varnish and began to paint her nails.
"Hopefully she'll go round his or something when lee is here." She said, blowing her nails dry.
"Hopefully." I sighed.
"Anyway, what are you and Jake planning on doing?" I asked.
"He said he wanted to take me somewhere." She asked with a shrug.
"I think it's cute you and Jake still go on dates." I giggled, propping myself up on my elbows.
"Yeah. Can I tell you something?" She asked and I furrowed my eyebrows but nodded.
"You have got to promise me you won't tell anyone." She said, rolling over on the chair towards the bed, holding out her pinky finger.
"Whatever it is, it's got to be serious." I laughed uneasily, locking our fingers together.
"Jake thinks I'm seeing someone else." She sighed and I breathed out the breath that I didn't even realise I was holding in.
"I thought you were going to say you were pregnant or something." I laughed.
"Why does he think you're seeing someone else?" I asked.
"Because he logged into my snapchat last night and saw that I was talking to this other boy." She replied.
"So you are seeing someone else?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"No, no. Not at all. We're just friends but Jake thinks it's something else. We argued all of last night." She frowned.
"Is he still coming down?" I asked.
"He should be." She answered.
"How did you leave it with Jake?" I questioned.
"He just said he was going to sleep. We haven't spoken at all today." She huffed.
"He'll come around. It's Jake." I laughed slightly.
"But it's annoying because he's allowed to talk to other girls but I'm not allowed to talk to other boys." She sighed.
"Tell him that." I said.
"I tried. He just told me it's different." She replied.
"It's not different at all. If you're only talking to that boy as a friend then it shouldn't matter." I said.
"Well to Jake, it does matter." She said, putting away the nail varnish.
"I'll talk to him tomorrow." I sighed.

Please don't tell me that these next couple of weeks are just going to be sorting Jake and Steph out.

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