It was a one off.

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Here, have a cheeky little update 😏

Brooke's POV

As we left Nando's, I saw the waitress slip a piece of paper into Lee's back pocket. As soon as we walked out of the place, I turned to him, pulling out the piece of from his back pocket.
"Just a reminder, you have a girlfriend." I spat, ripping up the piece of paper and throwing it to the ground. Before he could even respond to my actions, I began to walk away.

"Brooke wait up." Steph said, running up towards me.
"I told the boys to meet us at the London eye. What happened?" She asked as we continued to walked ahead of the boys.
"Did you not see anything?" I asked.
"Well yeah, kind of but I didn't want to say anything. What was that you ripped up?" She asked.
"Her number." I sighed, digging my hands in my pockets, attempting to warm them up. British weather sure is cold.
"She's a bitch." Stephanie frowned.
"Tell me about it." I huffed as we reached the London eye.

Steph and I cued up, waiting for the boys to hurry along. When they appeared, I turned around, not wanting to face lee.
I may be acting childish right now but he was checking that girl out back there. When she handed him her number he could have easily denied it and told her he had a girlfriend but no.

Steph paid for the London eye and we got ourselves inside one of the pods before it started to move slowly. I then noticed that it was just lee and I on it. Where the hell were steph and Jake?
I instantly ran to the window and saw them getting in the one behind us. For god sake. Steph had planned this.

I groaned loudly and sat myself down and leant up against the big curved window of the pod. Lee looked down at me and sighed.
"Are you going to talk to me?" He asked but I said nothing.
"B, come on." He huffed, running a hand through his hair out of frustration.
"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked and I scoffed.
"Are you seriously asking me that?" I asked, looking up at him.
"Well yes. I don't know what I've done wrong." He responded. I rolled my eyes, standing up as the pod continued to move around slowly.
I folded my arms over my chest and turned around to look out at the view. London is beautiful at night.

"Brooke." I heard lee sigh behind me and I took in a deep breath before feeling him wrap his arms around my waist from behind. I then pushed him off of me, not wanting to make it look as though he's gotten away with what he did.
"So you're completely pushing me away?" He asked.
"I'm not pushing you away lee, I'm ignoring you." I said before looking back out at the view. I really can't be bothered with an argument right now.
"Can we at least talk about what happened?" He questioned.
"I don't have to talk, you're the one that's caused this so fix it." I huffed.
"Fine then, I'll do the talking." He said, raising his voice slightly.
"What happened back there wasn't anything. It was a one off." He said and I laughed coldly.
"A one off? Do you know anything about relationships lee?" I asked through gritted teeth. He was annoying me now.
"Do you know what, no. I don't know a single thing about relationships Brooke." He responded. How can he not know anything about relationships? If anything, I should be the one saying that I don't know anything about relationships. Louis was my first boyfriend and he cheated on me. I had no clue what to do in that relationship, our love was basically a rollercoaster. Let's put it this way, before my YouTube channel and singing career kicked off, I was nobody. I used to be anonymous, invisible to the opposite sex. If google earth was a guy, he couldn't find me even if I was dressed up as a 10-story building.
"You think I know anymore than you do? It's pretty obvious that if you're in a relationship with someone, you don't then go flirting with some other person. That's not how it works." I yelled. Woah, Brooke, calm down.
"Look, I didn't flirt with her." He said, a lot more quietly than I.
"Looking down at her cleavage, giving her a nice wink, accepting her number. Oh yeah, that's a very non flirty thing to do." I huffed in frustration, scraping back my hair that was falling over my face.
"It was hard not to B. Her boobs were practically right there." He said and I groaned.
"I'm not talking to you about it anymore. What would you do if I were like that with some other guy?" I asked, twisting it around. What would he do in this situation?
"I'd murder the guy." He said.
"And you wouldn't be mad at me?" I asked.
"Well, yes." He sighed.
"Exactly." I said, turning back around to realise that we were now right at the top and my fear of heights was beginning to get the best of me.

I took in a deep breath before closing my eyes and shakily walking over to the little seating bit.
"Are you ok?" Lee asked softly, helping me sit down but I shoved him away from me.
"Yes but you're not helping." I huffed, breathing in and out slowly. Come on Brooke, not here. Not right now.
I looked down at my hands to see that they were shaking uncontrollably and my heart was racing quicker than ever.
"You're not ok Brooke. Are you having a panic attack?" He asked and I nodded slowly as I couldn't speak due to me gasping for air. He rushed in front of me and grabbed my hands. I can't breathe which made matters worse.
"Brooke baby, copy me, breathe in..." he started, sucking in a breath which I attempted but breathed out before he could say his next words.
"And out." He said, releasing the breath he just held in for a second. I on the other hand, was gasping for air and being in this tiny pod was not helping.
"Shit." Lee cussed before looking down at my wrist where he saw a hairband.
"I'm going to tie your hair up so you're not getting too hot." He explained, taking the hairband off my wrist and tying my hair into a high messy ponytail. I tried to thank him but my words were stuttered.
"Don't talk B, focus on breathing." He said, if only it was that easy.

Lee's POV

All I could think of right now was that this was all my fault. I led her to this panic attack because of what happened earlier. I know she said that heights weren't her thing but I don't think that was the only reason she's gasping for air right now. Think lee, think. What could stop a panic attack? Without even thinking, I smashed my lips down on to hers and I could tell that she was taken back by it as she didn't begin to kiss back instantly. When she did, I realised that she was almost ok again.

I pulled away, leaving my hands to cup her cheeks and she breathed out shakily.
"Did that help?" I asked.
"H-how did you do that?" She asked, looking down at her hands that were no longer shaking like crazy.
"I- uh, don't laugh but I watched a programme once and the guy was having a panic attack then the girl kissed the guy and said that apparently if you hold your breath whilst having a panic attack, it could stop it." I explained and a small laugh escaped her lips.
"Was that teen wolf by any chance?" She asked and I bit down on my lip, trying to stop the smile that was forming before looking down at the ground and back up at her.
"Maybe." I chuckled and she smiled.
"Brooke, I'm sorry ok. I don't know much about relationships. I don't know anything about love. All I want in this whole world is for you to continue being mine. I want to know how your day was, where you want to eat, which is most probably McDonald's and I want to argue with you because I'd rather argue with you than lose you B. I'm so sorry baby." I sighed.
"Lee babe, it's fine. We can both be confused about relationships together and yes, I'd love to go eat at McDonald's." She giggled slightly.
"It's not ok. I flirted with some other girl whilst being with you and that's not right. If I could turn back time I'd go back and change everything ri-" I started but got cut off when her lips smashed on to mine.
"I love you so much." I mumbled into the kiss.
"I love you so much more." She whispered, leaning her forehead against mine.
"Impossible." I whispered back.

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