You can't take me on anymore?

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Brooke's POV

Today was now Friday and I was meeting up with my manager Tracy.

"So I'll meet you back at Stephs yeah?" Lee asked as he parked up outside of Starbucks where I was meeting Tracy.
"Yep, I don't know how long I'll be but I'll try and be quick." I smiled, leaning over the gear stick to peck his lips.
"Good luck." He grinned and I thanked him before stepping out of the car and watching him drive off down the road.

I took in a deep breath before entering Starbucks and scanning the room until my eyes landed on Tracy. I smiled once she looked at me and I headed in her direction.

"Hello! How are you?" She asked, pulling me into a tight hug.
"I'm great thank you. How are you?" I asked, coming out of the hug and sitting in the chair opposite her.
"I'm good thanks." She smiled before looking at the cup in front of me.
"I got you a hot chocolate. I hope that's ok?" She asked.
"Yeah, that's great. Thank you." I grinned, picking up the mug and taking a sip before instantly regretting it. Fuck me, that's hot. I played it off cool though, don't you worry.

"So you wanted to talk?" I asked, moving about in my seat to get a little comfier.
"Yes." She started.
"I understand that you have settled in perfectly here in the U.K but there's an opportunity open back in America and I said I'd speak to you about it." She said.
"America? What is it?" I asked.
"I can't take you on any longer but there's a record label in the states that would be perfect for you." She grinned and I gulped.
"You can't take me on anymore?" I asked.
"Sadly not." She said, shaking her head. Shit.
"And what would the record label in America do for me?" I asked.
"They'll be a hundred times better than I. We spoke about you starting up an album and growing your fan base." She explained.
"Can't I do that back here, in England?" I asked.
"I'm afraid not. Let's put it this way, if you stay here then your career is pretty much over as I can no longer take you on, or, you can go over to the states and start a better future for yourself." She said and my eyes widened and I felt my heart racing.
"How long do I have to decide?" She asked.
"At most, a week." She answered and I gulped.
"O-ok." I stuttered. What the hell am I going to do?
"Are you ok?" Tracy asked, looking down at my hands that were shaking. Oh god, not here. I need lee.
"Excuse me." I said, getting up from my chair and rushing into the girls bathroom.

I ran in, gasping for air and gripping at the sides of a sink. Breathe Brooke, breathe. I gripped at my throat that was closing up more and more each second that passed. I quickly turned on the taps, failing a few times due to how shaky my hands were and I splashed the water up on to my face, holding my breath for a while before coming back up again.
I turned the taps off and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked a mess. This is all too much.

I breathed out a shaky breath and slid down the bathroom wall, burying my head in my hands.

I can't decide. It's impossible. I lose something either way. If I go to America, I lose everything I have back here and if I stay here then I lose my whole career.
What do I do?

"Hey, you never came to Stephs." Lee frowned, walking in to my bedroom and I sighed.
"I know, I just didn't feel too good." I lied. Well technically that isn't really a lie.
"Are you ok? What happened with your manager and stuff?" He asked, talking his jacket off and sitting down on the bed beside me.
"Things went great. She just told me that she's happy to continue taking me on." I lied again. Damn you Brooke and your stupid lies.
"That's brilliant. I'm so proud of you." He grinned, pulling me in for a tight hug. Now I feel terrible.
"Thank you." I whispered into the hug, squeezing my eyes shut and enjoying the moment as much as possible.
The hug didn't last too long as Caleb had walked in. There's such thing as knocking, jeez.

"Oh- sorry." He apologised and lee pulled away from the hug.
"It's fine." I smiled slightly.
"Your mum just wanted me to come and tell you that dinners on the table." He smiled before walking out of the bedroom.

Lee stood up, holding out a hand for me to take, which I did and we walked downstairs where my mum and Caleb were already sitting at the table.
"It looks great." Lee grinned, sitting down opposite Caleb after pulling out my chair for me.
"Thank you." I said quietly.

Everyone else had started up a conversation together whilst I sat there, staring down at the corner of the table, playing with my food. I'm just not hungry. The sight of this food is making me feel sick to the stomach or maybe it's the fact that I'm having to decide what's best.

I have a week, a week until I have to give Tracy the biggest decision of my life. I am not ready for this.


None of this little author note is related to this story at all but... who watched the finale for the vampire diaries? Like holy poop 😭 I think I cried a river...
Its only just sinking in that it's the last episode EVER 😭😂 my heart 💔

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