I could really do with a burger.

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Brooke's POV

It's been two days since the whole Tracy and moving to America thing happened.
Lee and I were currently driving around to park up in the same abandoned place that he had taken me a while back.
"Lee, I love you." I said.
"I love you too Brooke." He replied and I took in a deep breath. I still haven't told him about me potentially moving away to America. I just can't. I still haven't even made up my mind. God, why is life so difficult?

Lee stopped the car leaving the keys in and the music continued to play softly in the background.
"Can we try something?" I asked and he frowned.
"Try what?" He asked.
"I've always wanted to make out in a car." I giggled.
"Are you serious? There's hardly any room in this car." He laughed.
"I know, it'll be more fun." I smirked and he rolled his eyes playfully before grabbing one of my hands in one of his and the other was on the back of my head grabbing a handful of hair as he pulled me over the gear stick and onto his lap. This is new.

I positioned myself in the straddling position so I would be comfy and once I was straddling his lap I crashed my lips down onto his. Our lips moved in sync and the kiss was rough and needy. Our mouths open at almost the same time and our tongues explore each other's mouths. Lee's hands were rubbing gently over my thighs and because I'm wearing my pyjama shorts, he seemed to slide them under them and he leaves them resting on my upper thighs where as my hands were all over him. I ran them up and down his arms and then to his shoulders and I finally find a place for them in his hair.

He begins to kiss along my cheek and down to my jaw line where I let out a soft moan and tug on his hair softly. He smiled against my skin and moves down to my neck. My hands untangled themselves from his hair and they reach to the hem of his shirt. I pull away from him and eagerly pull his shirt over his head and toss it on the drivers seat making him grin in amusement. Ok, now I don't know what's gotten into me but I've never taken his top off before.

After a few moments of hot steamy kisses Lee tugged at the jumper I was wearing and he managed to slip it off of me without breaking the kiss. He slips down the little straps of my tank top down my arms but doesn't achieve anything so instead he goes back to kiss various different places on my neck making me moan his name softly. You know, the song playing on the radio doesn't really go with our situation right now. They were playing some pathetic upbeat song so I quickly turn the radio off not breaking my neck away from Lee's lips. I didn't know where to put my hands. I was going to tangle them in his hair again but instead I moved them and pushed them against the roof of the car.

Although as I was pushing my hands up in pleasure I accidentally hit a button making the freaking sun roof to open. I cuss under my breath and all the rain comes in from outside and I squeal from coldness and wetness from the outside rain. I hit the button again continuously and it wasn't closing.
"For fuck sake." I mumbled and Lee was laughing at me whilst his hands rubbed up and down the length of my thighs again. Finally the sun roof began to close and I huffed in frustration.
"Well that killed the moment." I frowned.
"Well it was great whilst it lasted." He laughed, pecking my lips before I sat back down in my seat, grabbing his top and handing it back to him before pulling on my jumper again.

"Remind me why we're out here in the rain again." I huffed, standing back under the little shelter from the hut.
"Because I want to do this." He smiled, pushing me out into the rain and grabbing my hand, smashing his lips onto mine. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away.
"As much as I'd love to continue kissing in the rain, it's freezing an I'm soaked." I laughed.
"Oh come on." He pouted, pulling me back in for another kiss but I laughed and pushed him away.
"Can we just go to McDonald's or something? I could really do with a burger." I laughed.
"If we must." He sighed, pecking my lips one last time.

We got back in the car and drove off to McDonald's where we ordered some food. Lee got a six chicken nugget meal whilst I got a quarter-pounder cheese burger meal.
"I love you so much." I said, opening up the box to the burger.
"I love you too." He grinned.
"I was talking to the burger." I smirked, taking a bite.
"Rude." He laughed, stuffing his mouth with chips.

After eating, we just said there, breathing in and out.
"I'm feeling ten times fatter now." I giggled, placing a hand over my bloated stomach.
"You're not fat. You're P-E-R-F-E-T." He grinned and I burst out laughing.
"What?" He questioned.
"If you were trying to spell 'perfect' then you forgot the C." I said between laughter and he joined in.
"I try and be cheesy then it goes and fails." He laughed.
"Maybe you shouldn't try and be cheesy." I smirked.
"You love it really." He chuckled.
"Whatever floats your boat babe." I laughed, grabbing the nugget that lee had left over.
"I thought you said you were full." He said, furrowing his eyebrows.
"I said I felt fat, I never said I was full." I said wiggling my eyebrows and popping the nugget into my mouth before brushing my hands together to get rid of the crumbs.

Once I had taken a trip to the McDonalds bin, lee had started the car again and we began our journey home.
"Lee." I started.
"Brooke." He mocked.
"If anything ever popped up in my career like, say if I had to go and live in America for god knows how long, would you be happy for me?" I asked.
"What? Of course I'd be happy for you. I'd be sad because I couldn't see you everyday but that doesn't mean that we couldn't work out a long distance relationship." He grinned, placing a hand on my thigh.
I smiled and took his hand in mine.
"Ok." I breathed out.

Maybe I should take up this opportunity. I mean, I may never get the chance to again. I could have an album, my own album. I could have everything I've ever dreamed and Lee is willing to do a long distance relationship. Maybe it couldn't be that bad...

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