But i love you.

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Brooke's POV

Two days later and I still haven't mentioned anything of this to Lee. I'm a horrible person.

"I promise I'll go and talk to him soon." I said to Steph whilst packing some bits into my suitcase. The last couple of days have consisted of me packing anything and everything.
"Brooke you have to go today. You're leaving in two days and you still haven't told the one person that deserves to know the most." Steph said, grabbing my hand and stopping me from putting a shirt into my suitcase.
"How am I meant to get there?" I asked.
"Take my car." She said and my eyes widened.
"Are you forgetting the fact that I don't drive nor do I have a drivers license." I laughed slightly.
"So? You can drive. I know you can. Lee taught you and I see your mum taking you out driving sometimes." She said.
"Stephanie, I can't drive unless I have a drivers license." I said, pulling my hand away from hers and I stuffed the shirt into my suitcase before zipping it up.
"I'll stick an L plate on the back. You have to go Brooke." She said.
"Can't I just train it down? I'm going to be driving a hell of a long way with no driving license or a person beside me." I sighed.
"The train is full of pervy men." She responded.
"I'll be fine." I said and she whipped out her phone.
"If you say so. You have an hour and a half until your first train leaves." She said before locking her phone.
"I can't go today. I just, I don't know what to say." I hurried out.
"You have to. He'll hate you otherwise." She said and I groaned loudly.
"I hate you sometimes." I frowned.

Have I chickened out going to see lee? Yes, yes I have.
I told Steph and my mum that I was leaving for my train about an hour ago when really I'm sat here on top of the little abandoned shed, thinking about what I'm going to say to Lee when I finally confront him.

I looked out into the distance and huffed, I'm so stupid. I never should have agreed in to going to America. Do you know how far away that is? Yeah well me neither but I can imagine it's far.
As I was thinking to myself I felt a presence behind me. Oh my god. Someone is here to murder me. I didn't turn around, pretending not to notice this figure behind me.

"You are not leaving me." The voice of Lee rang through my ears. What the...
I turned around and saw him there, tears brimming in his eyes.
"Lee?" I asked.
"W-what are you going here? How did you know I was here?" I asked.
"Brooke, you're leaving me and you didn't think to even tell me?" He sniffed, completely ignoring my previous questions. I bet you Steph told Jake and Jake told Lee thinking that I had already told him. Shit.
"Lee, I'm sorry. I really am." I said, gulping back the lump that had started in my throat.
"You're going to America?" He asked and I nodded.
"I have to go baby." I whispered, feeling a little tear drip on my bare arm that was folded over my chest.
"But I love you." He said and I looked up from the floor.
"And I love you too." I trembled.
"Why are you saying it like you're saying goodbye?" He asked as his voice cracked.
"Lee." I sighed, walking up to him and cupping his face.
"I love you more than anything. The reason I didn't want to tell you sooner was because I know you'd be destroyed. If I stay here lee, my whole career is over. Tracy can't take me on anymore. There's so much more pros than cons in this situation." I said, gently stroking my thumb over his cheek.
"What about us Brooke? Everything we have, everything we've been through... you're just going to leave it all behind?" Lee asked, removing my hands from his cheeks which only then made me cry some more. He's not taking this as well as I thought. I mean, I'd probably be the same if it was him leaving me. I didn't know what to say anymore.
"All I want, like in this whole world is to have a future with you Brooke. I want to grow old with you. I want to have miniature versions of you and I, I want to see you succeed in life and most of all, I just want you to be mine forever. Are you willing to sacrifice all of that?" He asked and I looked down at the floor as the tears streamed down my face.
"Sometimes you just have to sacrifice." I sniffed and he scoffed.
"Brooke, don't do this." He said.
"I don't have a choice. I've booked the plane tickets, I've said yes to this record deal place. Do you know what I want lee? I want the exact same. I want to grow old with you, I want you to be the father of my children, I want to see you succeed in life and most of all, I just want to be yours forever. I want you to be mine forever. I can't lose you lee." I cried.

Lee looked out into the distance with a tear stained face and he sighed before turning back to me.
"Are we ok?" I asked.
"Are you ok?" I added.
"I don't even know how to answer that question right now." He huffed and I gulped.
"I understand." I said quietly.
"No Brooke. You don't understand. I have like a million thoughts fighting in my head right now. You're leaving me to go and live in America for however long meaning we're going to have to work out a long distance relationship. It's never going to work B. The time zones are completely different. I'll be asleep whenever you're awake and you'll be asleep whenever I'm awake." He explained.
"What are you saying?" I asked, my voice cracking. Please don't say what I think you're going to say.
"We have to breakup." He said and those four words made my heart shatter into a million pieces.
"W-w-what?" I asked, my breathing getting heavier. This is the one thing that I've feared ever since I found out about this record label in America.
"You need to slow your breathing." Lee said softly, placing his hands on my shoulders but I pulled myself away from him and stumbled over to the edge of the rooftop, gripping on to the wall.
"How can I slow my breathing. You've just told me that we have to break up. The one thing that I've feared for a long time." I shouted at him as my breathing got a hell of a lot quicker.
"Brooke, sit down." Lee said, hurrying over to me and he sat me down so I was leaning up against the wall.

I instantly brought my hands up to my throat, scratching at it hoping that it would help me breathe. I can't have a panic attack, not again. Lee held on to my shaky hands and looked at me but my eyes stayed on the ground. I can't look at him, I just can't.
"Brooke, baby, look at me." He said and I shook my head.
"Look at me." He said a little louder now and I shifted my eyes from the floor and to him.
"You need to breathe, remember what I told you?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yes but you said to hold my breath. I- I can't hold it." I managed to get out.

The next thing I knew was Lee's lips on mine. I felt myself melt into the kiss and my hands removed themselves from his and wrapped around his neck. I can't leave him.
He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine, allowing me to catch my breath back.
"Brooke, do something for me." He whispered and I nodded.
"I need you to go to America, I need you to do whatever the hell you have to do and I want you to live a happy life. You need to move on and so do I." He said and I nodded slowly.
"I'll always love you Brooke. Trust me when I say that." He said and I felt the tears roll down my face again.
"I'll always love you too." I whispered before he stood up and held out his hand for me to take.

"I'll take you home then I have to go, so do you." He said and I gulped, nodding.

It turns out our love wasn't a love story at all. It was just a story about love.


There is only one chapter left of this book now 😱 brace yourselves...

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