Here goes nothing.

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Brooke's POV

"How did you even find this place?" I asked Lee as we laid on the grass, staring up at the stars.
"It must be my amazingness." He laughed and I rolled over so I was no longer on my back, instead, I was on my side, facing him.
"You are more than amazing." I grinned.
"Here comes the cringeyness." He smirked.
"Is that even a word?" I asked and he shrugged.
"If not then I just made it one." He chuckled and I shuffled closer to him, propping myself up on my elbows and placing one hand on Lee's chest, drawing small circles.

"The meteor shower will start soon." He said softly and I shot up, looking at him with wide eyes.
"Meteor shower?" I asked and he nodded. I threw myself down on to him and smashed my lips onto his before realising what I had just done. Neither of us seemed to mind though.
"You remember when I told you that I liked to star gaze?" I asked.
"Of course I do." He smiled and I placed my lips onto his again.

I stared up into the sky and I saw the first meteor zoom across it. I instantly stood up and looked up at the sky to see a load more cross the it.
"It's beautiful." I grinned as I felt Lee's presence beside me. I looked up in awe.
"I knew you'd like it." He said softly, placing his hand on the small of my back.
"Like it? I love it." I whispered breathlessly. They really did take my breath away.

As we looked up, rain drops began to fall and soon enough, we were drenched from head to toe.
"It's time to abort mission." He shouted over the rain and I continued to look up.
"Just give it a minute. It'll clear up." I smiled and we did, we waited for a good 3 minutes and the rain was still falling.
"May I have this dance?" Lee asked as he held out his hand for me to take.
"Why of course you may." I giggled, taking his wet hand in my own and we began to waltz around the field whilst the rain fell on us and the meteor shower continued.

Lee pulled me into him tightly and laughed.
"You're soaked." He said.
"So are you." I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck whilst his snaked around my waist tightly. He began to lean in but I dodged his kiss and went towards his ear.
"Catch me and you get a kiss." I whispered before escaping his grasp and running around the field, being careful not to slip on the wet grass. Now that would be embarrassing.

Lee soon caught up with me and grabbed me from behind, spinning me round. I threw my head back, laughing as he placed me back down on the ground. I turned around to face him and he tucked a wet strand of hair behind my ear, smiling.
"Can I ask you a question?" He shouted over the rain that was hammering on the ground.
"No." I giggled, obviously joking.
"Well I'm going to ask you anyway." He laughed, cupping my face with his cold hands.
"Brooke, Brooklyn." He smirked once he said the second name. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Get on with it Leebo." I laughed, ruffling around his wet hair.
"Here goes nothing." He said, taking in a deep breath and closing his eyes.
"Brooke, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I grinned. Awe, he was so nervous to ask. Cute.
"You're so cute." I giggled, poking his cheek with my index finger.
"So, is that a yes?" He asked, biting his lip nervously.
"Yes." I grinned, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. I seriously never thought he'd ask but I'm glad he did.

"You're gross. Just because you're my boyfriend now doesn't give you the right to gas me with your farts." I heaved, rolling down the window and sticking my head out of it.
"Well shrek taught me that it's better out than in." He chuckled, placing a hand on my thigh sending a tingling sensation through my body.
"If they smell that bad then shrek is wrong." I giggled, placing my hand over his and lacing our fingers together. However, the holding hands thing didn't last too long as he had to change gear. Damn you manual car.

We soon arrived back at the house and we knocked on the door, patiently waiting for someone to answer. Soon the door opened and sue looked at us both with wide eyes.
"Why are you guys soaked? You must be freezing. Come in." She said, ushering us into the house before telling us to go upstairs and change into some dry clothes.

"Hey, because you're my girlfriend now, does that mean we can sleep in the same bed again?" Lee smirked as I shut the door to the bedroom.
"Don't push your luck Hinchy." I giggled and he pouted.
"I'm joking you numpty." I said, grabbing his face and pecking his lips before changing into my pyjamas which was some jogging bottoms and a grey vest top with Lee's hoodie thrown over the top.

Once we were changed, we decided to see if Jake and Steph were awake or not.

"Now you guys won't be third wheeling. We can go on double dates." Stephanie exclaimed and I laughed, leaning into lee who then put his arm around my shoulder.
"Double dates aren't really my thing." I teased and she rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, what were you guys up to whilst we went out?" Lee asked as he fiddled about with my hand.
"We hung out at James's then went to Nando's." Jake said.
"You went to Nando's without me?" I gasped, holding my hand over my heart playfully.
"Sorry not sorry." He smirked and I glared at him.

After chatting nonsense for ages, lee and I decided to finally get some sleep as it was nearing one in the morning.
"Come here." Lee said, sitting down on the bed and holding his arms out. I grinned and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck whilst he buried his head into my stomach.
"You smell good." He smiled.
"Shut up." I giggled, leaning him back down on to the bed and I straddled him.
"This is new." He smirked. I bit my lip to stop the smile that was forming but it was no use.
"Don't get your hopes up. It was just a way to get you off of me so I can actually get into bed." I giggled, rolling off of him and laying down beside him.
"Rude." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me tightly from behind.
I sighed happily and kissed his hands before closing my eyes and sleeping.

It's official. Lee Hinchcliffe is my boyfriend.

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