You can't bribe me with food.

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Brooke's POV

Here I am, sat in front of a fire that Lee and Jake had set up whilst Steph and I found some logs to sit on, freezing my butt off. It's not warm in the slightest. The other three were currently sitting in the cave, wrapped up in blankets.

After sitting there for a while on my own, I felt a blanket being wrapped around my shoulders.
"You look cold." Lee said, sitting down on the log beside me.
"This is why I hate camping." I laughed slightly.
"I see what you mean." He said softly before leaning closer.
"When those two are asleep, do you want to get out of here?" He whispered and I looked at him.
"Where would we go?" I asked.
"I don't know, we could go and get some food." He smirked and I grinned.
"Food sounds perfect." I whispered with a goofy smile.

He laughed and got up to go back to the cave, leaving me there, smiling like an idiot. He's starting to grow on me, like a lot.

Jake then came walking out with his guitar and I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I play, you sing." He said and my eyes widened.
"What? No way." I said quickly.
"Come on B, loosen up." Steph said, grabbing my shoulders from behind and shaking me gently.
"I refuse to sing." I said. Steph huffed and sat opposite me with Jake.
"Brooke, can I have a word please?" Lee asked.
"Potato." I grinned.
"No I mean, can we talk." He laughed and I sighed but nodded and walked into the cave where lee was.

"What's up?" I asked.
"Please sing." He begged and I shook m head.
"It's not happening." I huffed and began to walk out but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
"I won't take you out to get food later." He said.
"You can't bribe me with food." I groaned, he just stood there smirking at me. For god sake.

"There, are you guys happy now?" I asked as I had just sang for them all and they all clapped with loud cheers. The things I do for food, man. I looked over to Lee who was grinning like mad and I gave him a little glare, fighting back a smile.

"We're going to try and sleep now guys. We should also head home in the morning." Jake said.
"Ok. Night." I said, hugging them both as they wandered past lee and I.
"You better be taking me for some food." I smirked.
"Don't you worry, you're still getting food." He chuckled and stuck his tongue out at me.
"Good good." I grinned and I stood up, stretching.

"My bum has gone numb." I groaned, walking around the fire.
"These logs aren't the softest." He said and I sighed, walking over to the edge of where we were camping. Jake had led us to a place where you could overlook the city one side and the other side was surrounded by woods. It's really pretty out here. I think I take back what I said, camping isn't that bad when you go to the right spot.

I folded my arms over my chest, keeping myself warm as I looked down at the city.
"It's crazy how much you can see from up here." I said softly as Lee stood beside me.
"Tell me about it." He laughed and I looked up at the sky to see that it was cloudy.
"I wish we could see the stars." I sighed.
"Do you like star gazing or something?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, I could stare at them for hours." I smiled, looking at him, noticing that he was ever so close to me.

My hair blew in the wind and he tucked a loose strand behind my ear before placing his hand on my shoulder gently.
"Do you want to get food now?" He asked softly and I nodded.
"Yeah, food sounds good." I breathed out.
He took my hand and we snuck away from the camping area down to Lee's car.

"Mmm." I said, shoving some McDonald's chips into my mouth. Yes, don't judge. We're eating another McDonald's.
"Can I have a sip of your drink please?" Lee asked and frowned.
"Didn't you get a drink?" I asked and he shook his head. I rolled my eyes playfully and handed it over to him so he could have a few sips.

"McDonald's will never get boring." Lee said, taking a bite of a chicken nugget.
"Hand me a chicken nug nug." I giggled and he popped one in my mouth. I mumbled a thank you through a mouthful of food and he grinned.

"The other two don't know what they're missing out on." I smirked.
"Don't worry. They're probably up to something else." He said, wiggling his eyebrows and I pretended to heave.
"Gross." I replied.
"Hey, I'm just telling the truth." He laughed, holding his hands up in surrender.

Once we had finished eating and everything, we drove back to the same place and before Lee could get out I stopped him.
"Can we sleep in the car? It's freezing out there. Plus, if they're doing anything, I don't want to see them doing it." I giggled.
"If we must. I'll just run up there to get some blankets." He said softly before getting out of the car and leaving the keys in the ignition and he left to get the blankets.

I turned the radio on and began to sing along to any song that was playing. At the moment it was some song that I had never heard before.

Lee then returned with the blankets and stuff then he took the keys out of the ignition and placed them in the backseat, along with some other bits.
"I know we've just eaten but I bought us some snacks." He chuckled, chucking them in the back also.

"Do these seats like, you know, lay back?" I asked as I moved around in the seat to find something. Lee then pulled up a handle and the seat flung backwards making me go with it and he laughed.
"Well that was fun." I giggled, laying down on my side, watching as lee put his seat back. We just laid there, staring at each other for a while.

"I like your eyes." I blurted out and he cracked a smile.
"Why thank you." He grinned and I moved closer so I could get a better look at them.
"They're like blue but you've got a ring of green around the pupil." I said as my eyes stared into his. His hands moved up to my face and he held it still whilst he studied my eyes.
"Your eyes are blue too, very blue." He laughed and I smiled.

I could feel myself wanting to kiss this boy but I just couldn't bring myself to do it so I pulled back to my previous position, laying down.

I'm slowly falling. I know it.

Mine ~ Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now